Door to Door salespeople...


Jul 7, 2003
We've disconnected the doorbell in our last two homes. Our friends all knock (or just walk in), and anybody who's got an appointment is informed beforehand.

That said, d2d is an incredibly hard way to make a living, and those (of us) who have done it have benefitted from the steep learning curve and the tenacity it requires. The problem is that most of the products/services are not value added, and simply prey on people who are too polite or unequipped mentally to say "no" three times in a row and close the door.

I did have a great summer job once where, during evenings, we went to new housing developments where the lawns were just put in, and offered to wash the windows that were all caked with dust and crud. You'd run around the house, count the windows, multiply by $5 each, and give an estimate. Or, just quote on the upper windows at $8 each. It was a service appreciated by most, and I was making $250-300 a night in commission, plus $10 an hour on the washing crew during the day. Saved a lot of folks ladder money and possible injury, and it was exciting to have a 75% plus success rate in sales.

I've owned a couple of businesses since then, and as annoying as it is on the consumer end, cold-calls are totally necessary to bring fresh money in and replace customer attrition and thinning profit margins. It just gets a little crazy with the different types of product/service bombardment these days. I'm still a big fan of raw entrepreneurship, and there aren't enough kids doing the lemonade stand thing instead of begging dad for a PW50.


May 23, 2000
XRpredator said:
This starts bringing out Angry Pred.

From what I understand "Angry Pred" is very similar to the Incredible Hulk. Except the Hulk is slightly smaller and a bit more green. ;)


Nov 17, 2001
I moved into a brand new neighborhood. No house is over 6 months old. It never fails that some douchebag will ring the doorbell and offer to sell me...Aluminum siding (all brick house) or new carpet. Satelite tv is the other option. I had a fairly long routine set up, but now I scream...OUT!!! aas loud as I possibly can. Most of the time the folks run to get away.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Rcannon said:
Aluminum siding (all brick house) or new carpet.

That's great...gotta love how stupid people are.


Aug 1, 2005
My best story, a door to door salesperson was selling an oxidizing cleaning solution. He shows me rust in my driveway, and tries to clean it, nothing.

Then, he notices the smudges on my door because of the dogs nose, and tells me, clean your glass with this stuff, and you won't get smudges again, because dogs hate the the smell. He calls the dog over and holds the bottle in front of the dogs nose. She starts licking the bottle!!!

The salesperson gave up after that.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I think I'm going to have to put a sign up...this is really getting old...Maybe Pred or Patman or any of those guys should come live with us and get rid of these people.
Anyway, it's Saturday morning and I'm in the middle of my workout. Doorbell rings. I ignore it, rings again...and then again. UGH, so I go to the door and open it. A hispanic trio is outside my door holding literature of some sort. The guy says "espeake spanish". I say um, no. He's like oh okay. So he shoves one of his fliers into the crack of the door. The whole thing is in spanish..I'm like, NO I don't speak spanish...he's like Oh okay soo sorry, have a good day. Okay so that one wasn't so bad, but it was I look like I speak spanish. Do I have anything in my house that suggests that I might speak spanish? I do realize that some people do know English and Spanish. I did take spanish in high school, but that was 5yrs ago, all that is long gone. I just get annoyed by people who come here and expect to live in the U.S. and refuse to learn any English. If I were to go to Mexico, I'm sure they would expect me to learn spanish...

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