
Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I guess you could say I test the T8's on a regular basis since they are my main pair. What can I do for ya'?


Aug 30, 2001

I am looking for the pros/cons of the T8 versus the T6. I ride mainly trails with a few hairscrambles. I am not price sensitive (on this topic anyway) but I want to get the best boot for the job.



Dec 10, 2001
i have tryed both. the t8 fits better not as tight on the sides of the foot. also i think they are more confortable. the support seemed about equal.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Okie and Canadian Dave will be having a full write up as soon as things thaw I'm sure. In the mean time here's my take. I tried the T6's and found them to be a very well made boot with more flex in the ankle and foot than the T8's. I think the T6's are an excellent mid price point boot and would give very good service. I too am not real price sensitive when it comes to gear and opted for the T8's based upon the fact that I like a stiff boot with copious ankle support. I figure if I wanted hiking boots that's what I'd go buy. The bootie with the T8's is super sweet. You can place different ankle pads in them to adjust the fit, I wear the booties around while I'm gearing up and come cleanup time I just pull them out and hose the boots off knowing next time I put them on the booties are clean and dry. The T8's are significantly bulkier but also fit very well with my Asterisk Cells. I do think the buckle setup could use a little re-work but it's not that bad. If I had to do it all ove I think I'd go with the T8's again as long as that silly backwards buckle on the new one's didn't seem like it would be a problem off road. If I had less to spend but wanted a top notch boot that is comfortable to walk around in with minimal breakin' in then the T6's would get the nod.

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
I currently have a pair of Tech 6's. I had to get them resoled right after buying them do to excessive chunking. The good news is that Alpinestar backed them up and resoled them for free. The bad news is that I've had these boots for several months now and they still aren't very comfortable. They are too narrow and I don't have wide feet. I had a pair of Tech 5's before the 6's and couldn't be happier with them. They were comfortable and offered plenty of support. Unfortunately, they no longer make the Tech 5's. I will not buy another pair of Tech 6's.



Dec 31, 1969
They are too narrow and I don't have wide feet
Humm.... I do have wide feet and the 6's fit great < shrug >.

I have 8's as well, but actually wear the 6's a LOT more, enough support with a little more flexibility than the 8 and not as bulky in the ankle area. 8's are heavier too. Both great boots.

Favorite boot is still the Sidi Force SRS.

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
Maybe I received a bum pair, but I sure don't like them. I figured someone would come to their defence. I've heard that a lot of people like them, but they don't work for me. If you have the opportunity, at least try them on before you buy them. Maybe I got spoiled after the Tech 5's but it sounds like the T 8's are bulkier than I want and the T 6's don't fit me well or have as good as feel as the T 5's. I do want to repeat that Alpinestar has great customer service, but I think it is time for me to shop around.


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