DW01, By Thump (long) And I know I forgot a bunch.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
I was so excited to finally get to go this year I took off 2 days early. I left Dallas Sunday morning at about 10am after 2 hours sleep.:scream: I rolled into Greenup about 9:30pm Sunday night and on the advice of Okie I asked a gas station attendant where the track was.... I spent 30 minutes trying to find it, finally I called Okie and he guided me vicariously to the spot. DW01 had officially begun!:cool:

It was kinda chilly so I gathered fire wood, a dixie cup of race gas and woooof, I had made fire! Set up a temporary camp, then went to sit by the fire and enjoy not having to go to work the next day.

Monday, I was up with the sun and suited up to ride. I spent most of the day on the MX and GP track alone so I took it easy and just got to know the place. At about 3:30 I decide I had enough, 2 tanks of gas and hands were sore, so I get cleaned up, scrounge for fire wood and prepare for night fall. Then along comes some local guy on a tricked out DRZ riding the MX track... Back in gear and on the bike, I figure I can run with this guy, LOL. He was way faster than I was, we ran 5 laps together before my bike lost power.... 2nd tank of gas drained bone dry.:silly: I pushed the bike home and got cleaned up again, day one of riding complete.

Under the stars again alone I was beginning to wonder if this was a joke being played on me. Fire going and getting cold.... then there was light! the Okie clan pulled in! Shortly there after TTRGuy, Speedy, Farmer John and BusterWho land and the rain came down! Buster borrowed a tent which was a MFIAFB putting it together. I broke his tent pole, splinted it with a 10 penny nail and duct tape. TTRGuy had to put up his ez-up to keep rain out of busters tent because there was no rain fly....

Tuesday, Okie and I re-organize camp structure while the track is drying out. Get it all satisfactory and decide to go ride.... BusterWho is going to spend "5 minutes" updating my braces.... I went with out them, could not wait. Okie and I put in 3 laps on the GP track before the rain came again. I figured out that the GP track would be a good spot to have the battle of the Admins... way too WFO for the 250F. Get back to camp and Billy is all suited up with a WTF look on his face. 36hour drive and for rain! LOL he missed the opportunity to ride because he was trying to update my braces. Sorry Billyboy, I told you to wait.

The rains parted again and the MX track was snot, but Okie and I roll out to it anyway. I get squared up on the starting line and Okie sees me and comes my way. As he was coming up from my left I thought surely he would line up to my left, I mean after 3 years of smack talking about who would roost who he wouldn't be dumb enough to go in behind me right? Wrong! 6ft behind my back tire he is going to pull up on my right side...... BBBBRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAPPP:eek: Full on the gas roost LOL. The track was too snotty to ride and it started raining again so we head for the pits. After seeing the left side of his bike, gear and helmet I felt kinda bad about the roost session. We decided that we could not ride together with out it raining.

It rained the rest of the day and night, Okie began to stress and so did Billy as his tent began to flood. At 10:30 pm Billy is out in the rain with a shovel a lantern and an umbrella digging a trench to route the water. It was a sight to be seen.

Later in the Okie mobile we were commiserating over the rain and drowning our sorrows in R&C. Then Billy says "guess what I did? I spilled the dogs water" to which I replied, dig a trench and drain it out. You had to be there... Scooter was in tears. At this point we all figured out Billy was the proverbial "bull in the china shop" we just did not know the extent of it.

Wednesday, it finally cleared up and more people started rolling in Rode some on the GP track but spent most of the time meeting people. I lost track of Wednesday, not really sure what happened... I thing AJ showed up with the AF's??? and Okie made the mistake of following us up the rutted out up hill on the GP... AF on one side, 420 on the other....no where to go... all roost. Sorry bubba.

Thursday and Friday run together... too much going on for my CPU to process. Rich arrived at some point only to find Billy nuked his bike... He put his game face on and dug right in... Jeremy re-did my suspension and OMG what an improvement, I can't imagine what stock must feel like because the first time he did it a year ago I thought it could not get any better... boy was I wrong. Thanks Jer. I fried my clutch... Funny it happened right after Billy got off my bike.:think So Rich rips into my bike... gonna switch the order of the plated to make it last the weekend... then BusterWho comes up with a set of plates and fibers and hands them to me...Unbelievable generosity. AJ past me on an 80 on the MX track, it is fun to see the boy ride I tell ya.

Saturday, the day of the MX races. I have never raced in my life, never been in a gate but I figured what the heck... Lined up in the 1st C qualifier and got the holeshot! finished 3rd absolutely could not wait for the main. BusterWho rode my bike in the A/B and walked the Cannondale piloted by TJ on an up hill for the pass. at the end of lap 3 we see a cloud of smoke come out of my bike... but Billy finished the race and won... I knew the bike needed water and oil after that so I head for the pits.... But Billy headed for the tower.... and gives me the point at the engine and slice across the neck signal.... He nuked my bike! So I had to settle for running 3rd in the qualifier.... Next year. Billy felt so bad he went on a walk about, finally showed back up at camp and said he was sorry... LOL I just had to laugh, the guy can break a bowling ball with a butter knife. Rich and Billy rip into my bike and the motor goes home with Rich... Turns out it was just a blown head gasket.

Sunday, Wake up to find most people had left already. We break down camp and say our see ya laters, hard thing to do with the Okie clan, I love them like family, and I was off to Texas. I get about 15 miles down the road and call Okie to discuss next years DW02.... Long drive home, shower, bed.....

Rich, Jer, Mully, OldLoafer, Eric Gorr, CDave, MXParts, Gomer, SKR, Lori, Buster, Oldguy, The Kid, Wardy, Farmer John, PapaK, DHoward, MikeB...and I know there are many more, what a pleasure it was to finally meet you guys and gals.

Thanks to Okie clan for taking me under your wing this year as I was flying solo. Thanks to the Moderators for helping get this thing together. And thanks to everyone there for making memories I will never forget. The best part of the trip was seeing first hand a huge group of people come together and put themselves second, when a problem arose with anything, people dropped what they were doing to help, gave parts, time.... whatever it took to get the problem fixed. This was much more than a bunch of knuckleheads from a web site getting together to ride dirtbikes. Hands down this was the best vacationing experience of my life!:)


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
What's family for?

I was wondering if I should ask BusterWho if he wanted to use the Mamba in the MX race, guess you found him first.:) Great people, great time, a must thing to do again.:)

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
great report Thump!

and Busterwho has certainly earned a new rep as "bike breaker"

thanks Billy..
you took busting things to a new level
as Okie was convinced i could break the
" KX mamba" just by looking at it..
glad you took the heat off me bro..LOL


Nov 17, 2000
Hey AJ, don't remember if I thanked you for the ride on the A/Fs.
Great bike, lots of fun to ride. Hope to see you again (Gene wants to get in on the Senior Nat thing,who knows)


Dec 31, 1969
The building of the "Great Trench Of Casey"


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AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Okie? It rained? :p

Mike! no problem -its what they were there for..more people with busted bikes shoulda snagged one to test!!
and hey had fun messing with ya on the MX track until one certain corner where you labeled me good ..ouuuuch ! LOL
i'm normally smart enough to dodge YZ400F roost but it was yellow so i thought it was a DRZ ..:)
( Tim 530 had already kindly let me eat plenty of his DRZs roost BTW)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Yeah I'm sure they want to have all their heavy equipment broke :confused:


Mar 25, 2001
Good point Patman!! I think the engine rebuild on a giant Caterpillar would run a litle more than a YZ400F. I don't think Eric or Rich could even bail out on that one Billy.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000

That's the gayest umbrella I've ever seen! Oh--sorry, I meant to say "cutest" umbrella... ;)


Mar 22, 2001

Originally posted by Julius Pleaser
That's the gayest umbrella I've ever seen! Oh--sorry, I meant to say "cutest" umbrella... ;)
Those are actually Thumps under wear supported by the tent pole that he so graciously busted for me 5 minutes after I met the guy :confused: .


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Re: Re: LMAO!

Originally posted by billywho

Those are actually Thumps under wear supported by the tent pole that he so graciously busted for me 5 minutes after I met the guy :confused: .
You mean to tell me that you slept with my undies after a day of Monkeybutt riding....? Freak.... and who's bearing company was that in MO? Sounds like it fits you to a T.:eek:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Oh, I thought Thump had told Billy to stand like that so he could meet Gomer :eek:

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Why isnt "Pit Tootsie Thump" holding that umbrella for you?

( i have to go with JP on this one..that is a sorry excuse for an dinky umbrella, it must be one of those SoCal "sunshades" )


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by AJ Waggoner
Why isnt "Pit Tootsie Thump" holding that umbrella for you?
Pfft! Pleeease, Thump had more pit tootsie's working on his bike for him than McGrath! :silly: He's got that 'dumb blonde in distress' routine down pretty good. :p

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Aimee -
he has it down because its not an act-its all real- all Thump.:p


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Shhhhhh. Come on guys don't let all of the 'Co-op' information out of the bag at once :) Sorry Billy, I know THATS your 'material'. Hehehe.... Hey Farmer John, I gotta flat, want to come down and change it for me :) Billy did you mention that we listened to the same Creed CD for 37 hours straight on the way home! It has to be a record for something, I am just not sure what!


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by Okiewan
I think I'd rather admit to getting beat by a 500 than getting played with like you did by an 80, lol. :eek:
Better than getting spanked on the GP track by a TTR125:eek: And Billy said he was going easy, he thought you were just playing around and he didn't want to nuke Scooter's bike. LOL!

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Okie -
Not sure what Thump means by not "sniffing" it?
I'm fairly certain i passed him a few times :D
on the AF after playing
"bump Thumps rear tire"
to which he responed with wide open throttle rear tire swapping zany craziness trying to roost me.( which he did)
he may not have sniffed it after i passed - but i waited in several corners to light him up - for about 5 laps! -
have to admit he was smarter than the average Texan and stayed WAY back :p
Thats when i wasnt having much fun ,cause thumper wouldnt "play" ,
and went and got the 80 :)

Eddie! ..I'm a Creed fan- but 37 hours!!! :eek:

Thumper be careful pointing any fingers on TTR125 whoopins bro!
I wont steal your "material" but insert your "line" here man ;)

Billy and I shoulda had a TTR battle cause his 100 pounds weight disadvantage mighta even things out :)
trouble is he would nuked a TTR125 as well then?

Hey guess what Honda has a updated CRF150 coming out in 03!! :)
its basically an updated XR 100 pretty much like the TTR125L
should be fun at Cooperland.
Last edited:

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000

yeah I'll fix it, just wait out front till I get there.
I'm on my way.....honest :p

during my 5 hour drive up th coast I stopped at rest area & took a little nap.
Had a dream with a Creed soundtrack. Listened to Mexican stations the rest of the way home. :think :think
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