DW'02 carnage


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
These are the things I know happened.

Tony Eeds got a whole 20 minutes of riding his 400MXC before going down and having his toes point UP! :scream: He busted three bones across the top of his foot and his DW'02 riding was done but he stayed the week!

Okie roasted his inner thigh in the TTR125's pipe, it looked about medium well :eek:. Heck if he wanted a DW brand I', sure we could have found a coat hanger. :debil:

Oldguy blew his left MCL in the MX C class. I saw it all and it killed me not to be able to run over to help but I was flagging a big table and bowl turn that needed me there. He got squared away and didn't hit the hospital until after he drove 16 hours home (he has a standard BTW).

Gomer had a NASTY get-off on one of the smaller jumps and was in pretty major pain in his lower back, I REALLY hope my brother is fince after he drives the Fun Mover & trailer back to SC!

My son had his first big get off when he blew a berm after a table top on the kids track. He must have been doing it on purpose because it was right in front of his mother and it involved a nice flip over the bars after racking himself on the tank. I completly understood the tears in his eyes. besides the obvious pain he pulled a groin muscle but shook it off and rode more later.

I am going to have to go get both my knees drained and some little pieces of crud picked out this week or sooner. Riding the kids MX track on a trials bike with limited travel was a bad idea but, just to make sure I did 10 laps and then another 8 later in the day. I also did some big people track time on a 250F that I can't remember who let me borrow, that didn't help (but was a good time).

There we plenty of other happenings but I don't know the specifics so I'll let others fill them in.


Sep 10, 2001
No' Mo' broke his collar bone and possible concussion. Slo' Mo' put the mangled helmet in the big top as a convincing reminder. I heard that some poor guy rode to the mini track, and overjumped the second table and cracked his wrist.


Mar 20, 2001
Hmm, I didn't even get to meet you Patman!
I saw you on your montesa though... Looks fun, I get dibs on a ride next year ;)

I didn't get hurt much... some blisters was basically all, but I did get one of those gnarly pipe burns, but on my arm... good times.

Oh man, how could we forget about No'Mo?? Did you see his helmet???
That's some scary stuff...

I hope everyone who had accidents, minor to major get better soon.....
At least even if you get hurt it's still alot of fun, I think TonyEeds and blackhawk will back me up on that one :thumb:


Sep 3, 2001
hope everyone heals up fast! I was impressed that everyone I saw or talked to that had an injury was still smiling and and in good spirits regardless!

For some stupid reason I decided to take a weird line off on the edge of the big step up Saturday, and WAY over jumped it. Wish I had it on tape (the jumping, not the landing). Got a bit of whiplash evidently (neck muscles really sore today), no biggie...


Sponsoring Member
May 20, 2001
Other than just being an old guy trying to do a young guys sport(LOL) i did ok, a couple of bruises, and having bounced of MANY trees during the night time poker run, and of course, those table tops as high as my house! just going over them was a major accomplishment for me!


Aug 1, 2001
I thought I had dirt on my arm.....it's a BRUISE!! Where did that come from?? I didn't fall down and I don't remember smacking any trees.......... :thumb:


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
don't forget about tree jumper. he wadded up his new 450 in the rhythm section. i didn't see how it happened, i looked just as he was making his last roll. i got to be his "ambulance" driver (bswift's atv). i believe he said he broke both bones in his lower leg. hopefully he'll feel like making a report when he gets home.


Nov 7, 2000
Twisted knee and swollen ankle for me. I had a up close a personal meeting with a few logs and a tree that just would not get out of my way. Thanks to Truespode for draggin my butt out of the way. Also, to the Medic who stopped his race make sure I was alright. I hope it did not cost you too much time. Sorry I can't bring the user name to mind, but thanks anyway.

There were quite a few injured riders at DW02 so to all that were injured heal up fast. Most that I saw had a smile on there face. :)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Since Patman has already explained my pirouette, I'll skip the description, but I do want to thank one and all that handed me stuff and crossed my path in the course of the week.
Thanks to you Natalie for driving me to the hospital.
This most recent week was the most memorable week of my life!
BTW, it is really hard to get a bike off a trailer with one good leg ....


Apr 14, 2001
My injury pales in comparison to some of the injuries noted above.

I fell on the first lap of the Team Harescrambles after my “A” partner worked us all the way up to 6th place on his first lap. (He didn’t get his bike started on the first kick of a dead start. He must have been mid pack, maybe 12th out of 27 riders, into the first turn and was in 6th when he got to the grass track. Way to go partner!)

Anyway, I fell about a mile and half into my first lap. It was a rookie mistake, looked back at a rider that was coming up fast. My front tire washed out, I fell onto a rock and then the bike landed on me! The rider (who was on a Cannondale I think) stopped to help me get my bike off! I was in such a position that once I worked my left foot free from under the bike then my right foot would get stuck! DOH! I never got a chance to thank the Cannondale rider for helping me out. Whoever you were, thanks! The fall left a charlie horse on my left leg that was very painful from that moment on! I couldn’t stand on the bike after that and just gutted out the rest of the race. After the race was over, I got into my street clothes and spectated for the rest of the day. My guest twisted his ankle on the big MX track in the late afternoon. We decided to bail after that. My family wasn’t with me and I wanted to get home to spend the rest of my vacation with them. If I had stayed for the Saturday MX races, I know I would have tried to race and probably aggravated the injury.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by Danman
Also, to the Medic who stopped his race make sure I was alright. I hope it did not cost you too much time. :)
He won the HS, btw. :eek:


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
I scorched my shorts a little. But I'm ok.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I knew about No' mo but didn't know exactly what happened so I hope somebody can fill in the details. His helmet was hosed for sure! the chin bar was mush and the hole in the back was pretty scary but the kid toughed it out the whole time.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I was only there for 1 full day, but I did manage to have a tree jump out in front of me and I mashed my pinky up really good. Judging by the fact that the entire left side of my hand is purple, the swelling, and deformity in the middle section of l'il pinky it is a safe bet that I fractured it. No matter - it didn't stop me from riding the day it happened (or today for that matter). Now my hip from the fall after the tree attacked me is a pretty cool thing though. I did this on Tuesday and I am just now getting the really cool shades of deep purple and yellow. Now that is a deep freakin' bruise!

I wish I could have stayed longer, but work and family come 1st. Next year I'll stay longer and get even more banged up I'm sure!



Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I was reminded why I ride in the woods and not the track! I had turned about 6 or 8 laps on the track and was feeling pretty good. I was clearing all the jumps except for the big table and the up hill step up. I didn't even want to attempt them. Then, I took a spill on the little step up before the up hill whoops. I've either bent my Pro Tapers or my triple clamps. :( It hurt really bad too. I thought I broke both lower ribs. Agent Orange was so shook up from seeing me, that he bit the dust about half a lap later. That ended my time spent on a track. I'm stickin' to the trees! At least now I can show people the gashes in my chest protector and say "those came from Cooperland!" :)


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
I don't know if what I have qualifies as carnage but..... One purple foot after it was folded under a foot peg during the poker run and I do believe the herniated disk may be acting up after mashing into the top of the big step up. I hit it a dozen times and didn't have enough speed each time. :flame:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Almost forgot, Thump's got a purple butt and some dirt rash.

Elk dislocated his shoulder (running from a spider or maybe it was a wild dingo?)

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
after i got out of the shower sun night, the wife was there! she saw all the bruises(the big one on my lower back caught her attention, and i mean QUICK) and the swoolen pinky and said" i thought you weren't gonna race" .."i" says i,"said i would stay off the MX track and ride the woods, plus i wasn't racing, i had no number!"....i did almost run out of beer at about 0200 a couple of times, that was close! :eek: yeh elks shoulder..pft, c'mon man. was' up with dat, i think he was cheezing it!


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by sfc crash
yeh elks shoulder..pft, c'mon man. was' up with dat, i think he was cheezing it!

:) What did he do? Go to the Aid Staition for a profile? :p


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Well i got 2 broken bones in ankle and tore the knee above it during my get off in the rythm section saturday. I dont remember what i was doing to make me wreck. It was either of these two, you pick what sounds the coolest. :)

1: I tried to triple the rythm section. I must of thought, "Hey Billy made it look easy!" :eek:

2: I tried the famous "Superman seat grab to Indian Air to Backflip" but forgot to get back on the bike after the Indian Air. :)

The worst part is i now have 2 broken bikes. :whiner:


Jun 5, 2001
I faired out with a dislocated shoulder on Tuesday after over jumping one of the camel backs (power valve kicked in at the worst time) but thanks to Thump who saw some pictures in a book, put it back into its correct anatomical poisition. Never had that happen before, felt kind weird having my upper arm bone pushing out under my bicep!:scream:

Oh, and thanks Pokie for videoing the procedure, I wasn't real happy about having me toss my cookies on film but luckily it didn't happen!;)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by sfc crash
....i did almost run out of beer at about 0200 a couple of times, that was close! :eek:

Don't I know it ... Teach me to sleep out on a cot. I need to oil the hinges on my Coleman!

I do wonder why Sarge and TTRGuy told ME to Shhhhh, be quiet while they took brewskies out of the cooler next to my head? :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
AND why beer thieves pick and choose :)
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