Earthquakes vs. Hurricanes


Feb 2, 2005
I can't tell you all how much it sucks to watch all the chaos in the South right now. All of the news coverage and watching the progression of the storm is just unreal.

I think that seeing something like a Hurricane coming your way is way worse than living with the fact that an earthquake may happen at anytime. :ohmy:


Feb 2, 2005
Okiewan said:
They both suck.

Agree, but tell it to those stuck on the freeway thinking they were gonna out run the event. At least with a quake, we deal with it wherever we are at the time. To me that is a better risk.


Dec 31, 1969
ie; no chance at all to run?

I believe I'd rather have at least some warning and an opportunity to escape. Oh and my CRF would NOT be sitting in traffic!

I don't know what anyone expects when the 4th largest city in the States evacuates.

Now of course everyone will complain about being told to leave and Rita "misses" Houston.


Feb 2, 2005
Okiewan said:
ie; no chance at all to run?

my CRF would NOT be sitting in traffic!

You may be pushing it when you run out of gas, unless you have a desert tank ;)

I would hate to think how Los Angeles, San Diego, or San Francisco would look if all were told to leave at once. SoCals have a hard time driving when it sprinkles. :laugh: We would be better off just riding the big quake out wherever we were and then dealing with the chaos that follows. I think that Hurricanes are worse because you get chaos before, during, and after the event.

D Lafleur

Dec 11, 2001
I would go out and take a picture, but its dark, has been all day, I guess being under 500 miles of cloud cover tends to do that. I am with Okie, I prefer the warning. Those people on I 10 in the last big one on the coast had no chance.

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
During the Loma Prieta quake in 89 (the one that interupted the World Sieres) all the trouble happend in about 10-15 seconds. 4 days later all was back to normal (minus the Bay Bridge) for about 95% of the people. Yes, traffic right after was a nightmare & cell phones were not as popular back then so communication was lacking, but all in all it was over...all but the clean up & of course the OSHA freaks...

I rode out one bad storm in Florida, not even a biggie, & I will take a bad quake any day.


Aug 31, 2005
neither for me ty
went through the 4 hurricanes here in florida well one was a miss for me but still i would rather have a good old fashioned
north east blizzard at least after wards i can go skiing


Mar 27, 2005


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
I beleive the one in 1989 (The loma Prieta) took about 5 people.. Either way, all are bad, hope everybody fairs well during Rita..


Dec 31, 1969
5? Be serious. I went to Northridge about 1 month later.



Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Okiewan said:
5? Be serious. I went to Northridge about 1 month later.
Meant too say 55, my bad.. Not sure how many we lost in the Northridge quake


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
did a google, heres some info about the Loma Prieta quake...

On October 17, 1989, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale rocked the San Francisco Bay Area in the early evening, collapsing a portion of the San Francisco Bay Bridge and a three-quarter mile, double-decked section of the Nimitz freeway in Oakland known as the Cypress Viaduct. As well, the shaking damaged a large number of buildings in the cities of Watsonville, Santa Cruz, and Oakland and in the San Francisco districts of the Marina and South of Market. The earthquake resulted in 63 deaths, 13,757 injuries. Property losses amounted to 1,018 homes destroyed, 23,408 homes damaged; 366 businesses destroyed, 3,530 businesses damaged. The total estimated direct economic loss was valued at more than $5.9 billion (US$ 1989 dollars) in public and private property damage. Despite these tragic losses, the Loma Prieta earthquake was a moderate California earthquake whose epicenter was located at a distance over 50 miles south of heavily populated San Francisco and Oakland in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the San Andreas Fault. In less than fifteen seconds of ground shaking, the Loma Prieta earthquake awakened a nation to the threat to life and safety posed by strong, urban earthquakes.

D Lafleur

Dec 11, 2001
So how bad would that quake be if it were to happen in one of the cities? I know the anticipation of a hurricane is tough, but a lot more manageable IMO. The only real surprises should be the tornado.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
D Lafleur said:
So how bad would that quake be if it were to happen in one of the cities? I know the anticipation of a hurricane is tough, but a lot more manageable IMO. The only real surprises should be the tornado.

Ditto on Daren's take. Think of it this way, a tornado is God's way of telling you that your time is up and doing in a way that it doesn't touch your neighbor's house. I have been in the middle of a tornado outbreak and watched their destruction. Uuuuuuugly!

An earthquake is like living on top of a bowl of jello and not knowing when the bowl will crack.
A hurricane is like being tossed into a blender, but at least you can get out of the way nowdays. I'm sure they were much worse before radar and predictions.

The winds are light, very light and the the hurricane is about 200 miles SSE of Dallas. If it wasn't for the crowded restaurants and the dogs in my back yard, I would not even know we were having a hurricane. I have spent the last two days tracking down the hundred or so friends that had to evacuate from the storm though.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
D Lafleur said:
So how bad would that quake be if it were to happen in one of the cities? I know the anticipation of a hurricane is tough, but a lot more manageable IMO. The only real surprises should be the tornado.

Not sure, the way i understand it, is the shockwaves cause more destruction away from the epicenter.. Not sure though..The loma prieta quake, i didnt know it was a quake, i was driving.. Didnt realize it was one until the radio station quit, and when i got up too an intersection the light poles were shaking LOL When it was actually was happening, i though i had a flat for a few seconds.. Thought it was kinda fun, til i got home and saw that the Bay Bridge had broke and the Cypress collapsed..

Either way, hope everybody is safe :ride:


Oct 3, 2002
sparkysakitas said:
.....i would rather have a good old fashioned north east blizzard at least after wards i can go skiing
That's the spirit!

I weathered a few hurricanes in FL, including Andrew in '92. I'd prefer a few days notice that all he11 is gonna break loose. That's a no brainer to me.
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