
Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
Has anyone ever run this stuff in a 2 stroke bike? Ive put it in my car and truck and I dont really know if it made much difference. I have connections to the company and can get it cheap, so im thinking about trying it. I got a bunch of info on it once and they say its not a petroleum product but a chemical that actually modifies the metal at the molecular level (i think thats what it said). It was on a CD and had a video of a demo where they took a piece of aluminum with a hole about 1/2" deep and they took an aluminum rod in a drill press and spun it while holding pressure in the hole. With motor oil after about 30 seconds the oil was gone and it seized up. with the ER it all dissapeared and never would seize. anyway, anyone have any experiences with it?


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Sometimes snakeoil is benificial in an industrial setting, but for two strokes you are better off just changing your fluids often.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
This stuff is more than just snake oil, its not even oil. They do market it for bikes and recreational products. They even say you can use it in wet clutches. Im going to give it a try. check out energy release


Jan 10, 2000
A few years back Dynotech tested ER in a snowmobile engine and found it made less power than stock. They hypothesized that it negativly effected ring seal causeing the drop in power. I am not saying that their tests are valid or not, its just something I heard.I am sure Rich could have a field day with this subject.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Where's David Trustrum with his "Grandma's Eel Oil" when you need him?;)

I'm sorry, but I don't believe any of the garbage I hear about these "Magic" friction eliminator products. Think about it. The oil in your engine does it's job by preventing metal-to-metal contact from occuring. How is anything that supposedly treats the metal surface to make it have less friction going to have any effect if the metal surfaces don't touch anyway?

Heck, if you're worried about friction, just throw a bottle of Astroglide in there, it will probably work about as well...:p


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
I think if you saw the tests they did, you might think twice. The stuff really does do something, if it helps in an engine, i dont know, but it does condition the metal. My buddy swears that it increased his gas mileage in his truck. He put it in the engine, transmission, transfer case, and differentials. Anyway, im going to go get some and I will let you guys know if it does any good.


Jan 10, 2000
I think if you saw the tests they did, you might think twice
The key word in that sentance is "they". Anybody can make bogus claims. Rememeber when Slick fifty and all the other copycat oil treatments where big. The FTC shut them down because they did not live up to there claims.

WR 250

Mar 17, 2000
No kidding? I haven't paid any attention to the "mechanic in a can" isle at my local auto parts store. I'll have to look next time I'm there and see what the new miracle fluid is.

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