Englishtown NJ??


Apr 13, 2004
Anyone who has been this year, do you know if they are still running the practice track backwards as they did toward the end of last year??


Mar 15, 2005
I was there 2 weeks ago and yes it is running in the same direction. They did make some minor changes to the obstacles though. After the 3 small doubles next to the fence and around the next left turn there is a small double out of the right hander, and that puts you right into a bigger double about 35 feet and then a roller into the elevated right hand turn. The whoops have a different rythem to them again and are really tough. After the whoops the right hander gets elevated at the end of the apex and then a drop off onto the next straight. On that straight there is a high speed section that has a roller-table into a small valley into 2 small table tops which if you are going fast enough you can double them both. Then after the rest of the track near the far side by the trees you come around where they had that big double that alot of people were single-table top and they chopped the table down so more people felt safe. And thats it, not much changed but what did basically made the track safer. I will say this, the track was mobbed with people even though they had a race going on at the racetrack.
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