There would be no legal recourse against the land owners, in this case the Land Trust, thay do not operate a track. They only lease the land to the track operators. I work at a bank and have several clients that due this with there commercial rental properties and have never had a problem. It is not a holding company or a subsiderary, it would be two seperate companies, sure ownership would be similiar, but leagally not related companies. If you have good documentation writen by and attorney and signed waivors, you got a real good chance of winning in court. I am not saying they can't sue you, but it will most likely be throughen out. Unless you were grossly neglagent, ie did something that caused the injury.
This is an option to avoid high insurance, if you are going to go out of business because you can't afford the insurance, seperate your self from the track and have the track be self insured.