
Oct 29, 2000
Anyone ever come face 2 wire with barbed wire?:eek:

Well if you ask me you don't want to:

I was up at Burleson with my dad Jeff Gilbert. And we were practicing off the track (but it was my dads' idea) I was coming around a corner (in 4th gear this was my 1st time above 2nd and i haven't ridden in a long time) so i was coming around a corner and when i turned I realized I was heading straight 4 a barbed wire fence.So I stood up and 4got about the clutch and slammed on the brakes and stopped about a 1/4 of an inch from the fence:eek:

And guess what was going through my head: " I'm gonna have ALOT of stitches after this " :scream: :scream:


Sep 22, 2000
Whoaaaaaaa Tigger!

I never did that before, but I have been in similar situations where the thought ran through my mind that--uh oh, this is going hurt. :(

Really glad to hear you came out of it with out scratch ;)


Oct 29, 2000
Re: Whoaaaaaaa Tigger!

Originally posted by KWJams
I never did that before, but I have been in similar situations where the thought ran through my mind that--uh oh, this is going hurt. :(

Really glad to hear you came out of it with out scratch ;)

Thank you very much. I like your signature it's :cool:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I did hit a cable one time in 3rd or 4th gear.

I was riding with a friend near his house (read: I didn't know the area). We came around a pond and were heading out toward the road so I got on it and passed him on a wheelie. After I got my him, I looked back to run it in. He didn't signal me or anything. When I turned back forward I saw the cable crossing the trail about 10 feet in front of me. You cover 10' in a hurry near the top of 3rd or 4th gear. I didn't even have time to try laying the bike down. It looked like the cable would hit the number plate so I kept hold with my hands, but jumped up with my body. I figured that when the cable stopped the bike I would make it up and over the bars as long as I held on with my hands.

Either the cable was higher than I thought or it slid up and over the bike because I ended up with a decent sized cut right about in the middle of the top of each forearm. The bike went under the cable and I went over and landed on my back on top of the bike.

Before I even bothered to check myself, I got up and yelled at him, "Why didn't you warn me!" He said that he figured I saw it. I never should have passed him in unfamiliar territory at that speed...and definitely shouldn't have been looking back.


Mar 27, 2001
I have also had bad experiences with barbed wire. The worst was a couple years ago riding a DR350 at night. It was dark and I was unfamilar with the area (that time is the only time I have been there). I was riding around with my cousin on some short trails and there was a large unmowed field (about 3' high grass) that we were turning around in to go back down the trail. One time I swung around right instead of left (just in about 2nd gear) and the next thing I knew there was a short barbed wire fence right in front of me :scream:, and I went over the bars into the neighbors field (which I didn't know about). Fortunately the fence was the "wimpy" kind with metal stakes instead of posts, so it gave some, but I was lucky to be on the 350, because the top wire rode over the fender and stopped at the number plate. I was able to get the bike undone from the fence and rode away uninjured, but I was really fortunate not to have actually gotten hit by the wire.

Another time I was riding on some trails and there was a "ripping" at my jeans... I looked down and saw a barbed wire fence (another property marker). I don't know why I didn't see if before.



Apr 1, 2001
Years ago we were doing some "bomb-running", (riding virgin terrain at high speed across the desert), when all of a sudden my brother-in-law, who was riding lead, just laid his bike down. I started grabbing brakes real hard, 'cause I knew he didn't just fall. but intentionally went down, so something was up.
I stopped maybe a foot short of a barbed wire fence that he had just slid under! I don't know where the bigger skid-marks were; on the ground, or in my shorts!:scream:


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
I got afew scars on my arms from going into a barbed wire fence while sleding. We would attach 5 to 6 of those disk sleds to the back of a snowmobile and ride like that for hours. My friend was driving for the first time with us in tow and forgot that when he turns, we swing wide. Well when he cut it close to the fence row we all went into it. :scream: I got the worse of it since i was on the last sled and not the brightest. :confused: The others leaned over and used the sled to sheild them from the fence, I didnt! Anyways glad to hear you got stopped in time and make dad go first next time! :p


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Never ran into a barbed wire fence, but did get shocked once with one of those electric fences that they put around cow pastures. One tip, never hit an electric fence with muddy boots... :silly: That thing knocked me off of my bike (of course I was like 8). :eek:


Oct 14, 2001
while we're on the topic of unfamiliar territory and crashing, what really sucks is that we have this field by my house. the grass is kinda short and it's flat. i thought i knew the whole field by heart until one day i was riding through it in 3rd and hit a hidden hole with the front tire. the bars jerked out of my hands and i went down hard. some how i didn't break anything on my body and only came out with some scrapes and a minor concussion.

oh yeah and those electric fences suck. i accidently touched one of those and i ended up with a bad stomach cramp and threw up. i'm not sure if that was from the electricity but it's all i could think of at the time.


May 22, 2001
one time when i was like 7 or 8 i was riding a km 100 and i was in my backyard and i had to go inside so shut it off and left it in gear so when i went back out to ride some more i started it and it took of and i hit a closeline with my neck .all that happend to me was i got some rope burn so i was lucky


Oct 29, 2000
That had to hurt:scream:
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