Fantasy SX- will you become the next champ?


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Time to start organizing your teams as the season is 1 month away.
First race is at Anaheim on January 4, 2003. Every season proves to be interesting as DRNers try to out strategy each other. Rules are here and any questions will be answerred in the Fantsasy forum here
Last season new comer BigLou :worship: narrowly squeaked by the always strong biker. Nikki always provides a strong team and has become something of a target for other teams :flame: .
As always the entry fees ($10) will be a 100% payback split between at least the top 4 teams and more if there are enough entries.
Twin Spar added for the outdoor Nationals the PITSALLY award which will pay out $20 to the team that has the worst results for the season in the 125 class ;)
And BTW winner gets the title in a sweet Thump avatar to display forever more :yeehaw:
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