
Resident mental case
Dec 1, 2001
Hey guys and ladies how did the weekend ride go? I hope there were no major problems or injuries.I'm bummed that I had to miss it but did get to ride anyways. Hope everyone had fun



Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
It was great Splatt!

bbbom and Pantra put on a great ride :cool:

I wish I had more time to hang out. I pretty much drove up, unloaded and took off. I had to leave early in order to get home and go to work so I missed almost half the loop :( .
I like watching Kokanee and Pinball push each other down :laugh: The trails were much easier then the one stream bed we tried in Reno! I only went off the trail once, but I was so far ahead of Pinball that know one say :p



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Wow, what a weekend! The riding and the company was great as usual.

I was the official whiny wimp full of excuses. Dang but am I out of shape. I've never been an exemplary athlete, but now I'm really a slug. I couldn't hang for more than what, 20, 25 miles? Geez, how embarrassing. Time to hit the gym!

I'm not sore right now. I don't know yet if it's going to take a few days, or if by the 3rd day I'd loosened up a little. Sunday and Monday saw me pretty stiff though.

I have GOT to order softer seat foam for the KTM! Even though I'm not supposed to, the plain truth is that I sit too much.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 19, 2003
Woo Hoo! What a blast! Those trails are like a freakin roller coaster ,but more fun! Carol and I had a great time, except Keith(Kokanee) and Shalah and Kevin hogged the the whole site we were camped in! :moon: The weather couldn`t have been better and seeing old friends and making new ones was awsome!
Some of those younger kid`s(Blake aka Sweety, Pat aka Daisy, and little Nick) will be riding circles around us in no time!
Note to Bsmith: :ride: We were so far ahead of you we came up behind you giving you the illusion (or disillusion) of you being faster than us ! :nener:
Thanks to lori and Karl and everyone else involved.
Now if we can just get some of you up here!! :yeehaw:


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
That's like the slow guy getting lapped by the pros :) for a few seconds they lead the pack :cool:

And yes, those kids were moving :aj:


Aug 13, 1999
So Pinball, did you take the puppy? He was gone by the time we got back to camp on Monday, hopefully he went home wherever that was.

Let's see, the girls from the Westside provided the Friday Fireside entertainment by bringing along their hula hoop and hoppity hops. My little one was by far the best running hula hooper at camp but Blake gave it a good try. The hoppity hops were quite entertaining, especially zero_it's dual hoppity hop run! And of course the infamous Canadian Blender provided copious amounts of refreshments for all.

Saturday's ride went well with a few minor events, 2 flat tires on 2 different bikes and two little bikes running out of gas but no major problems. Fortunately only one of the out of gas bikes required a return trip for the gas up. It ran out of gas about 7 miles before Frater Lake so Karl went back to rescue him. Poor kid then dropped his bike & broke the clutch lever off so he made the last 7 miles without it. Fortunately I carry extra levers, perches and lots of other things that I tend to break.

After we got back to camp we took the kids out on a Kid's Ride Saturday which was a great time, especially the look on Fireman Dave's face when I told him I took them up Radar Dome! What a bunch a great kids! We took off from Sherry Creek, headed across the trail to Beaver Lodge and everytime I looked back to see all the little bikes tooling down the trail I had to smile. Of course once we got to Beaver Lodge and said we were heading back everyone of them said "NOOOOOOO, we want to ride more!!!" There was even an "I want to ride until we go home" in the group.

We tried to think of some trails that weren't too brutal for XR50's, KX60's and XR100's but that were close enough that we could ride & get back before dark. Looked like Radar Dome was the only option so off we went. They all made it up the rocky trail with a few stalls and a bit of help in some cases BUT they all made it. At the intersection some chose to take the road back & some chose to take the trail. Everyone made it back safely before dark!

Sunday was yet another good day of riding but a few individuals were a bit slow moving at the get go, eh Pinball & Kokanee.

Karl loaded his chainsaw on the front of his AF because we knew there was a big log down on the Connector Trail from LPO to Batey. He sawed out a dozen or so trees and did some repair work on some of the more deteriorated areas as the rest of us road along the trails. We caught up with him at the monster log that pinched his saw. With a bit of team work from everyone, we got the monster cleared out of the way. Karl ditched the saw there and finally got to enjoy just riding.

Fireman Dave wanted to try to get to the Batey Trailhead so he took off & Karl headed out after him a bit later. The rest of us figured we'd ride until about 1:30 then head back as some people had to head out by 3 and other's of us had planned on taking another kid's ride.

Other than good riding and good fun, the ride was pretty uneventful! We even made it back to camp close to 3 pm. After resting up a bit we headed back out on another kid's ride. This time we took them out via the trail back out of Sherry Creek and headed towards Ruftac & Rufus Trails. We looped around to Beaver Lodge & headed back to camp.

Monday, we did one last Kid's Ride heading out from Sherry Creek, hit Ruftac then over to Granite Meadows. Karl took the TLR in order to take it easy following the kiddos so Sharla's beau took the AF. I picked up a little passenger that came up to camp with us - Karl's daughter's friend - she rode with both Karl and I on Sunday's kid's ride and she still wanted to ride on Monday so off we went. Keith soon decided that the AF was a bit much compared to the DT so I offered to swap bikes with him - mine's quite a bit more forgiving than Karl's. Riding Granite Meadows on Karl's AF with a passenger was a challenge for both rider and passenger! She loved riding though and didn't complain once during the whole ride. She even asked if she could come back & do it again next year! I asked if she wanted to bring her bike instead and she said "YEAH!!!". Thank goodness!!

All went well except Karl's bike decided to blow a hose along the way, probably due to the heat of the day and the slow riding. So Keith hopped on the TLR, I got back on my bike with my passenger and Karl waited for his bike to cool down as we continued on the trail with the kids heading to Beaver Lodge for some greatly needed burgers. When we got to the next road, the kids were pooped so we headed on down the road, thinking it would take us to Beaver Lodge. In the meantime, Karl had taped the hose up, filled the bike with water & was heading out to meet us at the Lodge. After a bit of map reading and frustration at the map not reflecting reality, we found a sign that said Lake Gillette 3.4 miles - it was Ruftac so off we went. We arrived at Beaver Lodge shortly after that to find Karl already downing his Terriyaki Burger! We ordered burgers all around, drank a few gallons of water then headed back to camp.

We decided that the lake looked too inviting so after dumping all the bikes & gear at camp we loaded up in the truck & hit the lake for a bit. Sure felt nice to jump into the cool water!

Thanks to everyone for making it another great Father's Day Ride! Sorry we won't be making it up to the Canada Ride Pinball, I couldn't ride anyways, I managed to drop my streetbike yesterday on our gravel driveway and bruised my knee pretty well so I'm out for a bit.
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