Father's Day weekend ride in northeast WA?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
How many are still in? It's coming up soon . . . Bbbom, any official plans? Kokanee and crew, you guys still coming down? West-siders, you guys should cross the mountains, it's a great weekend . . . you can see me fall down all day on the trails and then have a couple beers (or whatever) and fall down at night too. :confused:


Aug 13, 1999
We will be at the Sherry Creek area again - hopefully early enough to get the good spot where everyone can camp together.

I plan to be up there forenoon on the 13th and will get signs out (paperplates that say PANTRA). We will be staying until the 15th & possibly the 16th.

So far there's us, zero_it and some of her buddies and several people from our club planning on making it. If it's warm enough we'll bring the Jetski's too so we can wash the dust off after the riding.


Dec 3, 2001
Theres at least 2 of us coming down to Colville. I will be in Grand Forks the week before so it isn't too far of a drive. The blender will be making an appearance, so bring some booze and some mix!!!!


Dec 3, 2001
P.S. I need directions on how to get where you guys are camping.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
What highway are you coming south on?


Dec 3, 2001
395 over to 20. When will everyone be there? We will be leaving after lunch Friday the 13.


Aug 8, 2000
You guys always do this on the worst weekend!! I have my grad that weekend so no can do for the ride. I rode at Little Pend Oreille last year, I love that place, the trails are awesome. Any chance you guys will be back there again sometime?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Speedy--we ride there a lot. Just about any weekend, as long as it's not a race weekend, we can head up there for a day or for the weekend. We may be there on June 21 (not sure on that one, bbbom and michelle know more details) and possibly in July as well.

Kokanee--from 20 you will just look for the Sherry Creek (right Bbbom?) campground on your right as you are heading up 20. I will have to check mileage, since I usually come at it from Hwy 2. Let me know how much more info you need. Bbbom knows for sure which campground we are at.


Aug 13, 1999
Sherry Creek is the plan, unless we can't get spots we want. We will be arriving the evening of the 13th and staying until the afternoon of the 15th. If something happens that we can't get the main camping spot at Sherry Creek, we'll post a note & directions to the alternate location at the Beaver Lodge Store cell phones don't work up there. It will have some reference to PANTRA.

I'll know a better ETA next week sometime when I see what our work schedule looks like. I'd like to get up there early Friday but not sure if I can get the day off yet.

From Colville, go East approx. 24 miles on Highway 20 (Tiger Highway) until you get to the Sherry Creek turnoff (gravel road). Go South at the Sherry Creek sign (small brown Forest Service sign) follow the dirt road across the bridge and left at the Y – approx. ¾ of a mile from Tiger Highway.

If you get to Beaver Lodge on Highway 20, you missed the turn. Sherry Creek Road is approx ¾ of a mile West of Beaver Lodge on Highway 20. There will be paperplates (as soon as we get there) that say PANTRA at the turnoff, leading you to the trailhead.

We will be riding Sat & Sunday.

Speedy, like FC said, we may be back up at LPO June 21 - 22 for Michelle's visit. Firecracker, Karl & I are trying to figure out where the best location will be for that ride.


Apr 8, 2003
Hi there, I was wondering if this is an open ride and if so could you give me directions from Los Angeles. It really sounds like a lotta fun and this West-sider would like to come cross those mountains! I would probably come up the 395 north.

Thanks, FlyingBrian


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Heck ya, if you are willing to make the drive all are welcome. When are your arrival/departure dates? Will you be wanting to ride during the week too? Do you ride MX or just trails?

The directions are about the same as Bbbom posted--just take the best route to Spokane--probably 395 north to I-90, then 395 north again once you get to Spokane--and follow 395 to Colville. Let us know when you will be rolling in, and what if any arrangments you need to make.


Apr 8, 2003
Thanks for responding so quickly, if I can get a friend or two to ride up with me, we would leave on the 11th and arrive sometime on the 13th of June.

Yes I ride both, MX and the great trails of America. Oh, how many days and when will you be riding? Do they have a MX track and the all important question, how's the dirt up there? And are there camping and showering facilities?

Hope to make it!


Aug 13, 1999
We will be riding Saturday & Sunday for sure, with the possibility of a short ride Friday (depending on how early we get in) and maybe even Monday (if Karl decides to spend his day off there, I have to be at work Monday most likely).

No MX tracks that I know of up there. Airway Heights has a track just outside of Spokane, that's about 2 hours from the LPO area. The dirt is great, with some areas of clay, some areas of decomposed granite, and some rocky sections. It can be slippery if it rains which is likely this time of year. It also gets dusty if it doesn't rain, also likely this time of year! It is almost all pretty tight singletrack woods with some fairly technical sections, rocks, root & such and some nice faster sections to loosen up in.

Where we camp there are no amenities except an outhouse but the Beaver Lodge has a store, gas and cabins for rent. You can also shower for a couple bucks at the Lodge. There are several smaller lakes nearby. The Lodge is actually on the shore of Lake Gillette. There are also a couple Forest Service campgrounds at Lake Gillette and they have an RV dump station there. We avoid the FS campgrounds because they make us push our bikes on their roadways and the camp hosts tend to be jerks, so we hit the WA DNR campsites instead with direct access to the trailheads and a small area for the little ones to ride around while we relax at camp.

Here is a map of the area, click on the number 23 Little Pend Oreille (Pond O'ray) for a description & enlargement of the area. LPO also ties into Batey Bould which is a bit more difficult trails.


Here's the info for Beaver Lodge:

Beaver Lodge Resort & Campground
2430 Highway 20 COLVILLE, WA 99114-9011
(509) 684-5657


Apr 8, 2003
Well I thought I was going to get to check out your great looking trails for Father's day but I can't get any of my wus friends to take any extra days off for the long drive. Any how, have a great ride and I hope to get up there before your winter your begins. If any of you ever come to Los Angeles look me up up and email me at (blips269@netscape.net) I am always up for a ride
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