
Mar 9, 2003
Well I didn't do quite so good, but was happy with my riding all the same. Although, I really f'd up on the starting line. I realized going into impound that I forgot to turn my gas off the night before. Hubby told me to turn it off during my 10 minutes. I get up to the line, posistion my bike so I can stand on the fence while starting it (I still need extra leverage to start it cold), at my minute I kick down, *almost* starts first kick. Keep kicking, no start, no start, no start, the next minute rolls around and I am *still* kicking my freaking bike. FInally a couple of friends of mine yell at me to stop giving it gas when I kick, so I do, and bam bike starts first kick. I turn the choke off, and hit the race. First corner out I stall my bike. Gerr!!! My Dad yells 'did you turn the gas on??' Doh! Forgot that part. I turned the gas on and it started right up. I am off again, but crashed next corner. Got all tangle up with the rider behind me, but even worse felt like a total ass. Finally I was off and riding, but I was at least 7 minutes behind.

1st Checkpoint, there were no other foul ups, but I just am not very fast, and making up 7 minutes was hard. I came in 2 minutes late, but didn't understand how the checkpoints worked, and was waiting in line to get to the special test. Luckily someone told us to ride ahead and head on through. By the time it was all said and done I was 4 minutes late.

2nd Checkpoint/Special test, That was by hard the most challanging section of my race. I went through the test pretty fast for me. Not sure how it will add up compared. All those rocks, and hills, definantly pushed my limits. I felt pretty good about how well I did through them all. I was pretty much running on time until we hit a little hill. There was a guy standing at the base, and I askjed him what way to go up, cause it split in 2, and he pointed me to the right. Big mistake, the ground was so chopped up from all the riders, there was no way I was getting up enough speed to get over the final crest. I stoop and looked to my left, and thought 'now why the hell did he send me up this way'. The other side was by far the most direct way over. So I turned my bike around to go the other way. As I am standing there waiting, the bonehead decides to try the hill. He gets all f'd up, and it takes them at least 10 minutes to get over. I was sooo pissed! I was already pushing my limits and couldn't go much faster, so I ended up being 15 minutes late to the next check point.

3rd Checkpoint/Special test, The special test was 7 miles of whoops. I absolutely hated it. It tooke every bit of energy I had to keep my pace through them. Towards the end I was just rolling over them. After the test the whoops and rocks didn't get much better. It seemed like you had 3 miles of whoops, only to get out of the whoops and hit the rocks for another 3 miles. Finally I looked down at my computer and saw we only had 3 miles left. I thought to myself the faster I go these last 3 miles, the sooner I can get off this bike. Right about that time we hit trail 60, adn I know what trail 60 is like, so I hit the gas and off I went. I flew that last 3 miles. A couple of times I even hit 5th gear! Next thing I know I come around the corner and there is the finish line! Woohoo!! I ended up being 10 minutes early!!! Yey! By the middle of the race my only goal was to get to 1 check point on time.

All and all I am pretty happy with myself. For my first race ever I think I rode well. I do think through some of those trails, I rode better than I ever have. I totally want to do more racing! I think the competition pushes me to do better!


Mar 9, 2003
BTW - I forgot to add, until Saturday I had never started my bike cold. Mark has always done it for me. It's one of those things, where it's easier for him to do cause we are usually holding people up. I told him last night, no more! From this point on, I am th only person that is starting that bike. :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Congrats--you did very well! Finishing is enough of an accomplishment, and feeling like you did well even more so.

Now you've been bitten by the racing bug, huh? ;)


Mar 9, 2003
Yes it is very addictive! I just checked out the OMRA website to find more!

OMG! I can't believe I forgot the best part of the race! I got to meet The Ant and E-Ticket! I didn't ride with them, but they were very friendly!

The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
Yeah, it was nice to meet you also, will be fun to meet up again at the Or School.
Boyoboy, That was the Hardest Ride I've Ever Done.... !!!!
I was pleased at having finished the one loop, could not imagine all the folks going on for the 2nd loop.
I was really freaked by the start - everyone's watching, I'm don't have any experience with how easy this bike starts in the cold, aaack - but it went fine, started right up, left it on full choke thru the 60 foot mark, then fooled around getting it running properly. Took off at a pretty good clip - actually MADE our first checkpoint minute, altho Randy rode behind me (except for the first Special Test) - I'm in front, come in to the checkpoint area, the helpers call me foward to the line - the guy was really helpful, guess he could tell I hadn't any idea what to do - he's watching his watch, flags me to a stop, I hear Randy coming up behind me and then Kawammo I've been rammed and flattened from behind, told me later he hadn't seen me stop til it was too late, grabbed a bunch of brake and endoed and bailed...everyone helped me up got his bike off me - and we still made our minute! So we provided some checkpoint entertainment.
It gets kind of fuzzy from then on as to what happened when.... took one big crash in one of the first bowling ball loose rocks sections, bike threw me off clear of the rocks and I landed flat on my back so wasn't hurt a bit, broke off the foot part of my rear brake lever tho. Those sections were the worst for me, surprisingly, the steep climbs up thru sand and/or rocks and rock shelves went really well. Got well over my handlebars and didn't flip backwards once. I Love my new engine...just plugged up and over these virtual cliffs and rolled down the other side. Did hit one rock ledge in some whoops tho, was actually in 4th gear for once, in the first special section so Randy was in front of me somewheres, hit so hard I smashed forward onto my bars, feet came off the pegs flying behind, bike popped out of gear, apparently bent my rim a bit...I was so amazed I even had a tire at that point...I was afraid to look. Fortunatley heeded the advice to run my tire pressure up higher than my usual 10/11 pounds, was at 15.... am sure it saved my tire.
The whoops wore me out, but didn't feel life threatening like the rock gardens. But from the bits of bike parts I saw everywhere and puddles of gasoline, I knew I wasn't the only one who'd crashed...and there were a couple of lumpy steep hills with guys sprawled on them that I just kind of motored around that made me feel really good. :-)
All in all (and many aspirin later), it was really fun, feel like I stretched my riding abilities and learned a LOT. We ended up about 30 minutes total slower than we were supposed to be, but that was fine - my goal was to not hour out. Have to figure out how to handlebar mount my packet of Gu...took too long to get it out at midpoint. And get a bigger gastank, I'd turned my gas off after one upside downer and forgot to turn it back on so some time later when the carb ran out, I thought it was the whole tank so spent some time emptying my little carry bottles in, bike still wouldn't go - remembered the petcock and away we went. Duh, turn the gas on dummy!!!


Mar 9, 2003
Hey Susan -

At the first check we had some entertainment. Somebody came up to the line of riders. He was late I guess so he raced past the lineup. He got close to the front, grabbed too much front brake and did a nose stand. He went over the bars and his bike flopped down against someone sitting in line. They were knocked over by his bike. Everyone got up apparently OK. It was hilarious

I got this from the KTMTalk website, this wasn't by any chance you and hubby was it???? lol


Dec 16, 2000
uh.... yah.... that was me. :ugg:

And yes, it was my bike that landed on Susan. :scream:

Full race report to follow.... :) - RandyB


Jan 31, 2001
Good job you guys...At least you rode.. I get way to comfy in my little Oregon corner.. .. someday Im gonna go with you.. have I said that before ;-)Congrats !!!

Susan you must quit being a threat to Randy.. ...then he wont try and take you out the first chesk point :laugh:
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