
Mar 10, 2009
Ok I got my first motorcross race tomorrow and I'm nervous as hell..... Someone grant me some knowledge and pointers please ha ha


Mar 10, 2009
Well practice tomorrow and race Sunday


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Have fun.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
No reason to be nervous, it's just another day riding at the track, only this time it will be nicely prepped and there will be medical assistance standing by!

Maintain your line and be predictable if/when the fast guys lap you. It will keep you from getting landed on.


Mar 10, 2009
Yea I for sure don't wanna get landed on... Its just need in my head for weeks... That's all I been thinkin about.. I guess that's good though..


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Use the bathroom before you go to the starting gate. Start way on the outside. Hold your lines, do not look around, try and stay focused on the matter at hand, not falling! Even if you have rode the track before, get there early and walk it.


Sep 10, 2001
Look upon your first race as a learning experience, for me the intensity was something completely new. Your goal should be something like, staying on the bike, adjusting to the nerves, and going a little faster each lap.


Mar 10, 2009
Thanks for the help guys I will let ya know how I do after practices tomorrow then on 2 tha race... Thanks again


Mar 10, 2009
Oh I'm takin in every bit of info ha ha... Well guys I'm off to the track now... Still pretty nervous but I'm also ready to ride and just have a good time...


Jan 27, 2000
It's ok to be nervous. That will never go away. It may lessen over time but will never go away. I have known racers that get so upset before a race they throw up, then, go out and win.

Like everyone said, just hold your line. Don't worry about who is behind you. The fast guys will pass you and the others don't matter. As long as you maintain a steady line and don't weave from side to side, you will be ok.

Look ahead, not behind.


Mar 10, 2009
Just did 2 practices and they were a freakin blast I have no clue how good I did but I know I'm wore out and still have one more practice.. I'm having just a bit of problem holdin my line cause I keep poppin outta grooves but I'm gettin it down... I went down once and rolled down the step hill like we use to when we were kids down hills ha ha I will keep you updated... Thanks again for the support and pointers


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
jayhedrick said:
Just did 2 practices and they were a freakin blast I have no clue how good I did but I know I'm wore out and still have one more practice.. I'm having just a bit of problem holdin my line cause I keep poppin outta grooves but I'm gettin it down... I went down once and rolled down the step hill like we use to when we were kids down hills ha ha I will keep you updated... Thanks again for the support and pointers

In order to stay in ruts, once you have picked your rut, and are lined up for it.. Look to the next obstacle. Don't look at your front wheel.

You need to look as far ahead on the track as you can, at least to the next jump, turn, or rut... Your bike will go where you are looking.. if you are looking straight down, you won't have enough control to be able to stay in the ruts.

Get used to the idea now, it'll serve you well in the long run.


Mar 10, 2009
Phew... Long day... Everything went great... Besides landing on my head in the last practice ha ha... I stayed in the ruts a lot better the last practice.. D and c class both practiced together and there was 94 bikes on the track at the same time.... Talk about gettin use to beings around a lot of bikes at once fast man I had no choice... One more practice in the morning then the first moto... Man I'm sore lol I'm outta shape but I'm having a great time


Mar 10, 2009
Oh yeah I'm racing at pro sport mx track in wythevill Virginia if any of you have been the before


Mar 10, 2009
ok ok calm down lol... sorry for not gettin right back but sunday evening i could barley move my arms i was so tired..i had a freakin blast though... the sunday morning practice went great... the first moto right outta the gates i hit it wide open 1st 2nd 3rd 4th gear man we were gettin it then about 5 riders went down in front of me and i managed to miss the flipping suzuki that was coming right at me by about a couple inches.. got back in the gas and was passing people no problem... i could actually see the guys in the front for about a lap and i was like "yesssssssss" but about right after a lap something strange happened.. my arms started getting weak.. very very weak lol arm pump!!!! then i started getting passed like i was barley moving... man i got tired fast and was waiting for that white flag to come out haha... 2nd moto i did decent again not to bad and not real good either... washed out but got right back on the bike and got back at it.... over all i came in 28th out of 33 riders lol... i signed up for the wrong class also... i was in the 250d class when i should have been in the 125 ameatur class.. but either way im sure i would have done about the same in either one... when it comes down to it i had a blast and met some of the coolest not to mention helpful guys ever... but im hooked and will be going to birch creek next month to get at it again.. what do you guys think?


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
No excuses, those of us who are all busted up can't wait for the ride reports..

If you had fun, you succeeded.

I raced at Redbud a couple of years ago during the national weekend.. I finished dead last. But it was a lot of fun.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
How long was the race, 15 minutes? You need a lot more practice! Half hour motos at least. When you get pump practicing, cut back till the numbness/burning subsides, and crank it back up. Tough part is being able to practice, even by yourself, and being able to push for faster. D class leaves a lot of room for improvement. 1st gear in corners? Try 3rd! The bike flipping inches past you brought fond memories back, I need to race!


Mar 10, 2009
Ya it was very fun... How are you healing up indy? I know that is probably taking forever to get better.. Wffr.. It was a pretty long track I'm not sure how long one whole moto was but I know I was wore out lol... It was a lot more fun then I thought and I was surprisingly not as nervous as I thought I was going to be...


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
jayhedrick said:
Ya it was very fun... How are you healing up indy? I know that is probably taking forever to get better.. Wffr.. It was a pretty long track I'm not sure how long one whole moto was but I know I was wore out lol... It was a lot more fun then I thought and I was surprisingly not as nervous as I thought I was going to be...

I'm coming along.. Not yet ready to ride, but soon. I can walk without crutches or a cane now, but if I've been sitting for a while, it's very difficult.

Hopefully in the next week or so I'll be completely off the cane.


Mar 10, 2009
That sucks man I know how bad crutches suck 2 use for a long period of time... Starts hurtin your ribs up near your arm pits it even leaves a rash on me..

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