First Ride on the New Bike


Aug 8, 2000
I finally got to go for a decent ride on my new bike. It was also my mom's first serious ride in over twenty years. We went to a local sand spot, which is about the only riding spot around here without snow. I checked out the place last weekend and it still had lots of snow, but this weekend it was dry and dusty, all the snow was gone. We spent most of the time exploring roads, which my mom had some trouble on because most had SOFT sand that was very tricky. My dad and I tried some hill climbs while my mom watched, she was quite timid on her first ride. I really like the power of my new bike, it's perfect for me, same with the size of the bike. I found that I could ride faster, but I was safer because the bike fit me. There is one hill that is quite steep, with deep, soft sand mixed with rocks. On my 100 I was lucky if I got up it in a couple of tries, most of the time I couldn't get up it. On my 200, I just stuck it in fourth gear and went right up it, even easier than my dad on his XL250S. My mom had some problems with the 100, the not holding the rear brake rod had fallen off sometime ago, so she had no rear brake, and the rod got caught in the spokes, locking up the rear wheel suddenly, but luckily she was slowing down anyway because of a big creek, so she stayed up. The rod bent one spoke, but we fixed it and took off the whole brake pedal and rod. We cruised around on more roads, my mom finally listened to my dad and I that if you go faster in sand it is easier. We cut into a small track with LOTS of whoops, a few hills, etc. There was a guy on it on a CRF450R that was moving. He made it look so easy to go through the sand whoops, but the bike was too loud. I took a cruise around the track while my parents watched. It was quite tough on the XR, especially the upper section. I headed up the first hill, almost looped going off a whoop, but managed to save it. The whoops on this top section were between 2.5 feet to around 4 feet in height. They were HUGE. Then there were smaller braking bumps through every corner and some downhills. I managed to stay upright and go fairly fast, but I haven't ridden a dirtbike for around 5 or 6 months and my arms pumped up pretty bad. The guy on the CRF passed me, roosting me and deafening me, god that bike was loud. I was toast after one lap, so we then headed back to the van, my mom decided to stay at the van while my dad and I headed up to the upper sand pit (there's two sand pits at this place with some HUGE hill climbs). On the way up to the pit I had a VERY close encounter with a guy on a new suzuki RM, luckily we didn't hit one another. Up at the sand pit my dad and I tried some (small) hill climbs that were so easy on my new bike. We found a couple jumps that some guys on the fancy bikes must hit, the jumps were nuts, an uphill step-up and just a huge jump over a hill. We were on our way back to the van and trailer when we cut down a hill. I was going first, and when I came to the bottom there was a drop off. I cut right to where it was only about a foot, but my dad slid over it where it was about 2.5 feet high. I was pretty far forward, but he was lucky and did't go over the front of the bike. We then headed back to the van, packed up and headed home, where we quickly got changed to go down to a Canadian Professional Bullriding show, which was pretty cool.
Things I learned today:
Go fast in sand to stay stable.
Always be careful going up blind hills.

Things I need to fix:
Rear brake on 100.
Leaking fork seal on my XR200R. :p

All in all, it was an excellent day, and I'm really happy with my new bike, except for the leaking fork seal.
:) :) :)


Feb 23, 2002
sounds like a lota fun, wish i had some good riding. its mostly hardpack clay with about abazillion little "grand canyons" that you cant see and cause all kinds of bad wreaks, including my brother breaking his foot.:eek:
tomorrow im going to the mountains and hit some trails, better get some sleep. thanks for the report, later!!



Aug 8, 2000
I don't ride sand that much around here. I usually ride hard pack dirt with roots and tons of mine rock. At this time of year it is all mud, with fairly deep puddles. Went for a ride today, much fun, I'm amazed at the difference when jumping, the suspension doesn't bottom out and works quite well. Got to practice lots of mud and creek crossings, which are DEEP.


Feb 16, 2002
Hi there;

I was down at the Honda shop the other day getting stuff to service my BRP (XR650R a.k.a Big Red Pig) and was looking at the other XR's. They all look like so much fun to ride. I love my BRP in sand. Give me a trail with about 3 or 4 inches of soft sand with hard pack underneath and the bike just eats if for breakfast...loads of fun to ride on. You'll have to rip my XR from my cold dead hands :D

Well, good luck and enjoy your new bike!

- Craig
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