Mike, I enjoyed the ride as well! All the rocks and roots on the mio loop do make for a challeng in some parts of it! All the recent hard rain really washed out a lot of sand, and seemed to expose lots of fresh stuff making it even worse. Them tree and rock gnomes do make them jump out in front of you at the worst moments! You were crusing along quite well actually - i fear you will quickly be faster than I am! Not that that is very fast - try to keep f&s (Mike (the Other Other Mike) remotely in sight...impossible for me to do!
You seriously should consider either of the events next weekend. The Saturday ride will be much slower, but you can learn TONS of what to expect, timekeeping etc. Sunday will be longer and faster, and I am sure plenty of bark busting to do, but I think you would fare pretty well through it all. The Other Mike (CR250) will be there trying for the overall now that he is on a pumpkin. Should be a fun time. I can help you out with getting all set up, and my wife can run gas for you.
The Other Other Other Mike
(I think one of us needs to change our name!)