Florida Womens Executive dirt bik racing amateur


Nov 29, 2007
Is there such a beast? I am renewed in riding and racing. I have a dirt bike and a quad. I am interested in racing, but I am old now. I understand that the races are only divided by girls to 13 and then womens, not very fair for us oldies. hahaha Please help with any connections as to how to get involved in racing or where to look. I want to start with Florida racing first if possible. Thanks for all the help.
Apr 30, 2007
Well, I've never heard of it...

Then again I'm from Minnesota, so I wouldn't really know. You can probably check out some of the "area chapters" forums or do a search here on the boards.

If it exists, we've probably talked about it sometime or another!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
There's quite a few "old ladies" in their forties that kick butt!! Welcome to DRN~! :)
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