
Jul 28, 1999
Will probably swap the stock pipe on my new '02 KTM 300MXC for a Gnarly...wondering if a pipe guard is even necessary. I've got a Gnarly on my '99 300EXC, with a steel pipe guard. With other pipes I've been able to ding them up a bit in a few places where the pipe guard didn't protect, but never with the Gnarly. Not a single ding anywhere.



Jan 28, 2002
I have a gnarly on a 01 cr 250, it looks like it is getting closer to the frame and it definately has a pretty good dent in the small loop. I had a carbon fiber guard on it, but felt like it was getting pushed into the frame with it on.


Jul 3, 2001
On my KDX my Gnarly gets dented a lot, even with a fiber glass pipe guard. These pipes are deffinatley not very strong. Mine got pushed so far up and back into my frame I cant even use the upper mounts anymore. It is just way too close to the frame for the bracket to fit. I will probably just get a new pipe with a carbon fiber pipe guard and maybe a pipe cage that bolts right onto the frame.


Apr 21, 2002
I've got a Gnarly on my '99 300MXC and just put a nickel sized dent in it last weekend when I hit a rock I didn't see. It hit so hard I could feel it in the whole bike and I thought I whacked a frame tube. I didn't even see the dent until I got home and washed the bike, and then I noticed that I have to move the lower right mount about an eighth of an inch as the chamber got pushed back that much. It was a H**L of a hit so I still think it's a pretty tough pipe. BTW I'm usually a slow old guy so I have no guards on the thing.



Jul 26, 1999
I've raced for three years using a Gnarly pipe and a CF pipe protector. I send the pipe off at the end of the year to get it straightened out again. It tends to bend back towards the frame on the log and rock hits but at least the pipe doesn't get crushed. I'm in the process of switching to a four stroke so it shouldn't be as much of a problem...


Sep 20, 1999
sure, you can ding 'em. i'm with the guys who no longer run pipe guards; i've tried the aluminum 1s & a carbon fiber 1 & they helped with the dings, but i decided they were doing so at the cost of allowing the whole pipe to be bent, so now i don't run a guard (pro circuit pipe, not as thick as a gnarly) & just have the dents pulled out every now & then.
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