Fmf Pipe Fitting Help!!!


Jun 22, 2002
I just bought an FMF woods pipe and "attempted" to install it; but, it just is not happening. First off, the mounts do not line up, second the "stinger" where it mounts to the silencer hits the frame, and third it makes the silencer be about 2 inches away(low) from it's mounts. Is this normal for FMF, or did I just get a bad pipe. I am about ready to send it back and get a PC pipe.

Any thoughts?

2002 KDX220


Aug 25, 2000
My first FMF pipe (KG-35) fit like a glove. The second FMF pipe (KG-30) that i got (after engine mods) fit similar to your description. I had to make a few custom bends with the bracketry. I ended up having to use some zip ties on the rubber coupler between the pipe & S/A or else the coupler would eventually slide out of place.
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Oct 14, 2001
The Fatty pipe on my bike is a bit difficult to make line up. I've heard stories like this from quite a few people.


Mar 29, 2002
It seems there are many complaints of FMF's not fitting right. My kg-35 fits perfect & my k-30 (older one) is a little off, but not bad. I had to drill one new hole in the lower damper bracket. If yours is that far off, you should take it back. I haven't seen any complaints of PC's not fitting.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
I've heard similar complaints on here about FMF not fitting.. I had no problems w/mine fitting.. Only thing i can reccomend is too start at the cylinder and work your way back when installing.. Hope this helps you out.........


Jul 30, 2002
I just put a FMF Gnarly (Woods) pipe and Turbine core 2 silencer on mine and it couldn't have been a bigger pain. I was convinced at first that it wasn't even the right pipe. I got it, after much loosening, and tightening, and loosening, cussing etc. I didn't have to modify anything to make it work, But I sure had to stretch the range of adjustment on a few things.


Oct 14, 1999
FmF tech has told me they keep tabs on this forum. Glad to see yet another post concerning their poor fit-'n'-finish. Hope they are still listening!!

As noted (rickyd) start at the front...keep everything loose until you get it as close as you can. If after STILL don't fit...take it back!

Good luck!


Jan 8, 2000
I have a FMF Torque pipe and a Turbine core II silencer. The fit was not easy to say the least starting from the cylinder and working back is what I did. The silencer fit barely, I had to put a lot of pressure on it to make the holes come close enough to fit. Then the rubber donuts seem too thick to fit with the length of the bolts provided. It does though. They compress but start them both before tightening, actually keep it all loose until ready for final tightening of all fastners. Hardware I added was a "custom" washer I filed flat on one side to fit under the seat rail. I later had the pipe fixed and it almost didnt fit anymore I had to tweak the mounting flanges, bend the corner of my Moose skid plate and "force" the whole thing together. I almost thought the rubber on the hangers was going to separate until I tweaked the mounting flanges even more.
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Dec 27, 1999
Well, I've refrained from posting about this, somewhat out of respect for the fact that FMF sponsors this site, but I'm afraid I've found myself recently disappointed by their fit as well.

I've used numerous FMF pipes. Most have fit ok enough with some minor tweaking to the mounts or bends. However, my most recent experience was very irritating.

I have a 98 KX 250. I bought a fatty for it and attempted in vain to install it this spring. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get the pipe to fit. While the bends looked ok, both mounts were materially off. I eventually returned the pipe to the retailer that I bought it from.

Having heard from a lot of other people that were encountering similar issues with the fit of FMF pipes, I decided to follow up with FMF. I emailed their customer service and support explaining the issue.

They essentially blew me off, citing that they seldom have fit issues and most issues center around their customers lack of expertise in mounting pipes. They also stated that all of their pipes should line up without having to adapt, bend, or otherwise move the mounts or correct the bends in the pipe itself.

They also suggested that I should have contacted them directly with any questions I had regarding fitting the pipe and questioned my ability to mount their pipe, even questioning whether I was clever enough to realize that the "floating" mounts had to be loosened and repositioned from their stock settings to line up with the FMF pipe. Having installed numerous pipes, I didn't feel it necessary to contact FMF to have them provide advice on how to fit a pipe that should have bolted right up with no major discrepancies. Perhaps I should have contacted them. In any case, I chose to return the pipe to the distributor. The distributor agreed to tag the pipe with a description of the problem and return it to FMF for their review.

FMF told me in our correspondence that they would inspect the pipe upon receipt. I had expected that they would inform me as to their findings, but I received no follow-up from them.

Oh well...I had been a long-time fan of FMF and I still think they make a better product than PC, but I'm not sure if I'll buy another FMF. It really seems that we're hearing far too much about fit issues recently. Perhaps, this is just my perception?

tom m

Dec 2, 2001
My FMF Gnarly woods pipe & Turbine core 2 silencer for a 2001 KDX200 didn't fit, After several hours of bending , twisting I finally got the pipe to fit, The silencer was missing some washers are required about another hour to make fit correct . I called FMF customer service about the problem . I don't think they wanted to hear about it because they hung up on me... This is not customer service !! This is the last FMF product I will ever buy !!!! Pro-circuit all the way.
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Apr 30, 2002
I just put on the woods pipe and s/a last month, I was worried about the fit but pc doesn't make a torque pipe. I also have a 2002 220. The pipe went on all right after I loosened up the brackets but I did have to bend one of the mounts on the s/a. I also chose not to use the bushings. It might have taken a little time, but it's worth it!


Nov 14, 2001
i think the proper procedure is to remove the fmf pipe - return to vendor - order pc pipe. it will fit great then


Jun 18, 2001
MPrest is right...he has the proper procedure down to a science. I have been totally satisfied with my fmf setup but the silencer was a B!TCH to get on. I wasn't lucky enough to even get a hardware pack with mine. The pipe however was a perfect fit. My pipe is getting a little dented up and when i replace it I will be going PC. I like the FMF product better but it's not worth the hassles too me.


Oct 28, 2001
My brother has FMF and it is a pain in the butt to install so I went PC and it fits like a glove, Plus the boost in power is wider than my bros FMF. HAHA ;)

Obie #8


Oct 14, 1999
From roosteater:
They essentially blew me off..

Yep. My KG-30 had a HOLE at the stinger weld. I called them about it. They told me to take it to a welder and get it fixed it myself.

The fact that a good many riders have all sorts of trouble with FmF, and NO trouble with PC shows that the rider's intelligence in the matter isn't the issue.

When I griped at FmF about rust on my brand new pipe when it came out of the bag, their response was basically, 'That's not possible.'

Yeah...that orange-ish stuff I'm looking at is probably leftovers from someone's lunch.

Perhaps, this is just my perception?

Don't think so. :(


Jul 8, 2002
OK, Bought the Gnarly pipe with the Turbine core silencer for my 2002 220. The pipe fit OK but the silencer was terrible, it is too short where it mates with the pipe and the hardware was a joke! Call FMF about the fit between the silencer and the pipe and they said thats how it's suppose to be, the overlap is only 1/4"! This winter I will remove the silencer and weld on an extention to stop the leakage at this joint. My question to FMF is why build something to a 90% quality standard.


May 31, 2002
My first woods pipe didn't even come close to fitting. The second worked like a charm. The thing with FMF, is that when you finally get a pipe that's the best system on the market.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 30, 1999
I own a 1996 Kdx200 and both an FMF gnarly pipe and turbine core 2 silencer.I have been very impressed with the power,sound level and durability(this poor pipe has took some huge impacts with no signs of damage)over the last 2 years.When installing the pipe (as posted before)start at the front with new o-rings and small amount of hi-temp. RTV silicone and work rearward(make sure to loosen pipe mounts at the frame)and the pipe should fit fairly easy.The coupler on the stinger will NOT leak if you apply RTV and fasten with two zip ties(Dont cut tails off ties until you retighten them when the pipe is up to operating temp).Now mounting the silencer is another story,FMF needs to redesign this set up yesterday as I almost had a nervous breakdown fighting this flying machine factory silencer.But this is what I did,I cut the spacers down that fit inside the rubber bushings and used shorter bolts so they wouldnt rub through the number plate.Dont tighten down any bolts until all are started and make sure to use med. strength threadlock on all bolts.After bolts are snug you can gently bend the silencerand/or pipe using a long pipe between pipe and frame or engine to make it fit the way FMF should of in the first place.It wasnt easy and I was Quite bitter towards FMF but the combo has been great since the horrible installation.I hope this helps along with all the other great tips out there.P.S. FMF makes great stuff but needs to improve on problems like this,If pro-circut made the wide variety of pipes as FMF they would be the only way to go....


Jun 9, 2001
Just bought a PC Platinum Pipe and installed it with my stock silencer with very little problem. I am happy with the performance of the pipe but I do not like the fact that the pipe is now considerably louder than stock. I can't imagine how loud this pipe would be with the PC silencer. I don't understand why they couldn't make this pipe a little thicker to cut down on the noise level. I guess there is nothing I can do to further quiet it down? I am sure the PC pipe however is no louder than the FMF. Also should add that PC customer service was great.


Aug 12, 2002
2001 KDX 220, brand new FMF Gnarly Torque and a Turbine Core 2. :D They slipped on like a pair of panties in a Las Vegas whorehouse, quick and easy. So far so good. I was expecting the worst after reading this thread.
"Let's Ride!" :aj:


Aug 25, 2000
I think the panties come off quick & easy not go on. :confused:


Oct 14, 1999
FmF is 'famous' for fit and quality (bad) issues. While you can reasonably (term used jokingly) expect to have some fitment 'issues', if it's really out of whack, take it back.

Maybe the second one will be better. Hey...maybe worse!!

Their p!pes work ok once they're on, but fit & quality wise????...they're a not too funny joke.

But...I DO own three of 'em........:(


Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Thought it might be useful to offer another data point on the FMF alignment issue. Lucky me received an FMF Woods pipe for birthday present from my son and wife. The fit was flawless (2002 KDX200), which surprised me based on what I had expected. :thumb:
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