FMF pipe vs. DG pipe: What's the difference


Jul 19, 2002
I currently have an FMF Fatty pipe that needs replaced. Cracked! I would like to have a pipe that gives me a smoother low rpm ride and not so much a racing high rpm rev. and top end explosion. their are only three options that I see. another FMF fatty pipe, the Pro Circuit pipe (like the fatty), and the DG pipe. It is a 1989 KX 80. Need a smoother pipe at lower rpm's(one that will let the bike run easier down low) and an eaiser ride for this bike for my son. What is the difference and what pipe would be best for this bike and an easier ride(not so much on the pipe to get it to run well)? Any ideas?


May 16, 2002
Never saw a $99 DG pipe crack In my opinion they are a good bargain for a older small bike , Fatty pipe might be best down low but theres probably not much that will really help that little motormake low end . Ever try dual stage reeds ?

125 rider

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Oct 1, 2000
Originally posted by Midhigh
I would like to have a pipe that gives me a smoother low rpm ride and not so much a racing high rpm rev. and top end explosion.

This is just the nature of a motocross 80. You can make suddle improvements with reeds, pipes, and gearing but the powerband will always favor the top end.


Jul 19, 2002
Deansfastway, Can you explain dual stage reeds? Not sure what it is. It has new reeds, however.


Jul 19, 2002
Can I run a DG pipe and a FMF core silencer together? or do I need to get a DG silencer to go with the pipe?


Oct 25, 2002
Boysen makes a dual stage reed. They are 2 reeds that sit one on top of the other. The bottom reed is made thicker with a small hole cut in it. The top read covers this hole and is made ligther. The top reed opens easier and gives better throttle response at low RPM. The bottom reed opens as the RPM rise.

On the Silencer, you can use the DG.

I read that Eric Gorr does a great job of porting to make most bikes have better bottom. Check out the performance mod section or

Good luck
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