
Sep 1, 2004
Muenster? Anyone? Anyone?

I'm starting to go through withdrawls.

Been riding with the wife and lots of kiddos of late, but I need a fix.

I'm going on either Friday or (and?) Saturday...

Since I haven't been for awhile, and I'm not real sure how my shoulder will hold up, I'd really like to go with some other folks.

Hopefully, the heat hasn't scared everyone away.

Off my own topic, but how has the turn out been up at Muenster for the last couple of months? The turn out at Rocky Ridge has been remarkably low. Virtually desolate. I let my 6 yr. old ride around almost unsupervised... There's not that iminent danger of him being run over by the drunk, helmetless, shirtless young fellow riding around the fields wfo in 6th gear on his brand new Banshee.
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N. Texas SP
Mar 14, 2005
the_monk said:
Muenster? Anyone? Anyone?

Off my own topic, but how has the turn out been up at Muenster for the last couple of months? The turn out at Rocky Ridge has been remarkably low. Virtually desolate. I let my 6 yr. old ride around almost unsupervised... There's not that iminent danger of him being run over by the drunk, helmetless, shirtless young fellow riding around the lovely fields in 6th gear.
When we were up at Muenster last weekend, it was extremely not-busy. We were passed by at least 10-12 people hauling bikes on I-35 so we're thinking there was a race (TCCRA maybe) somewhere, because they certainly didn't end up in Muenster. It was quite nice :nod:

Joe Diver

N. Texas SP
Mar 21, 2005
:cool: was nicely unpopulated. Don't know if it was because of the heat or something else, but as Proxy said we saw alot of rigs on the way up there, but just not when we got something must have been going on.

I'm not going to be able to make Meunster this weekend, but probably will next weekend. I have a Poker Run on Saturday with my Corvette I'm thinking of Marshall Creek Sunday... :ride: Any takers?


Jul 11, 2001
I might make it to Muenster this weekend, but probably not. I just have too much work to do on the bikes, and I still have to finish painting my garage floor. It has about 99 coats on it now, because of repeated problems with the clearcoat looking milky in spots, requiring more gray touch-up and color sprinkles, then more clearcoat. It's been a nightmare, but I'm about done. Next month, the black and white checkerboard tiles in the workbench area, then I'll post some pics.

I'm about done with Muenster for the summer. It's too bloody hot, and they won't let us start until 8 a.m., leaving about two hours of decent, non-lethal temperatures for riding. I'm going to concentrate on the Kiamichi, where I can arrive Friday night, get up Saturday at 5 a.m. and be riding by 5:30. I can get five good hours of riding in before it gets too hot to survive.


Sep 1, 2004
JMD said: has about 99 coats on it now, because of repeated problems with the clearcoat looking milky in spots, requiring more gray touch-up and color sprinkles, then more clearcoat...
What did you use to do this? I've been thinking about the 2-part epoxy based paints I see at home depot. What has caused the milky-ness?

JMD said:
...the black and white checkerboard tiles in the workbench area
Where are you getting these and for how much? I've been thinking about this instead of the paint, but it seems pretty costly. The cheapest I've found this stuff for is about $1/foot. WAY too much to justify for a 650sq ft garage. I might be able to convince the finance department to approve this if I could get the tiles for, say, $0.50/foot. :)

JMD said:
won't let us start until 8 a.m.
With the 1.5 hour drive for me, that as early as I ever get started anyway. We've been riding at Rocky, and in the afternoons (after 12 or so) we can only muster up about 1 to 1.5 hours of seat time at a chunk. I hope it's a little cooler in the shade up there. Too bad about the summer season being over already.


Jul 11, 2001
Monk, I used the Behr one-part epoxy from Home Depot to start with, so I've stuck with it. About $24 a gallon. The RustOleum two-part epoxy from HD is $58 a gallon, with a cleaner/degreaser and paint sprinkles. I'd use that if I started over. One gallon should cover your garage. The paint sprinkles are nice, as they will help to hide tire marks and oils spots, which are inevitable. For clearcoat, I'm using the Behr 910 clear epoxy, same price, $24 a gallon. It goes a long way, enough for several coats. The milkiness comes from over-application, I think, or trying to put a second coat on too soon. Just be careful to apply thin coats of the clear, let them dry a full day before applying the second coat.

I'm using Armstrong VCT (vinyl composite tile), from HD, sold in packages of 45 for $28. A package will cover 45 square feet. I'm going to use black and white with color flecks, on the advice of some smart guys who've done this before. I'll use Henry's 750 adhesive, about $20 a gallon, which will be plenty. I'll use a bit of red tile for a kind of border. The b&w tiles are usually in stock; the red is special order. You'll probably need 15 packages, so with tax that's goig to be about $450, plus $20 for adhesive. That's a bit more than fifty cents a square foot, but not bad. I'm only doing my workbench area in the tiles, about 120 square feet. The rest is the gray epoxy with the terrazo look from the color sprinkles. It looks great so far, by the way.

Joe Diver

N. Texas SP
Mar 21, 2005
I'd like to see pics when you're done....

I've been thinking of using black tiles as a roadway with white tiles as stripes and border....sort of like parking on a little roadway. You can buy this as a kit, but it's $$$ and I think I can do just as well using some imagination at HD....

Joe Diver

N. Texas SP
Mar 21, 2005
JMD said:
I'm about done with Muenster for the summer. It's too bloody hot, and they won't let us start until 8 a.m., leaving about two hours of decent, non-lethal temperatures for riding. I'm going to concentrate on the Kiamichi, where I can arrive Friday night, get up Saturday at 5 a.m. and be riding by 5:30. I can get five good hours of riding in before it gets too hot to survive.

At least with Marshall Creek you can run jump in the lake for a quick cool down....last weekend at Muenster I seriously considered going out to the creek and laying down in it for a bit between rides! :ohmy:


Jul 11, 2001
In the past we have taken a swim in the Red River on a hot day, but you get pretty sandy. That red dirt gets everywhere. I'm not completely forgoing Muenster; in fact, I'm going on the 18th. But when I have a chance, I'm heading up north to ride the early morning, maybe even take a dip in one of those creeks.

Joe Diver

N. Texas SP
Mar 21, 2005
JMD said:
In the past we have taken a swim in the Red River on a hot day, but you get pretty sandy. That red dirt gets everywhere. I'm not completely forgoing Muenster; in fact, I'm going on the 18th. But when I have a chance, I'm heading up north to ride the early morning, maybe even take a dip in one of those creeks.

I don't think I'd swim in the Red unless it was a dire heat injury situation. That river is just too dirty for me. That little creek though....I could stretch out in a deeper bend and let the cool clean water rush over me. Cooling off is why I asked about swimming holes in the okie thread.

I started a thread about beating the heat in the Riding - Training Techniques/Injuries forum and got some pretty good suggestions. Unless it's 100+ I should be okay....and when it's 110 blistering degrees, well, I'll have to pass then.... :coocoo:
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