
May 22, 2000
I have heard various things about training your forearms with weights for motocross. I have heard that it is good because it increases strength but I have also heard it can increase arm pump because it trains the muscles to contract. Does anyone know anything about this or have any results from weight training their forearms? I would like to know any information so I can start to do forearm exercises if it will help get rid of arm pump... Thanks for any info.


99 KX250

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
The best way to get rid of arm pump is to learn to relax while riding. Gripping the seat with your legs helps also. I rarely get arm pump any more wheather racing harescrambles or on the MX track. Mainly because of what I stated above.

As far as training your forearms goes, I have numerous exercises from my former armwrestling days. A long long time ago I held two state championships and was fifth in the nation in my weight class.

I used to use a variety of exercises for my forearms ranging from very unique arm curls to gloves with rubber bands to strengthen the back of my hands. One thing I discovered is that common hand grips works far more than your hands. Your entire forearm and to a degree your upper arms benefit from this exercise. As you progress, start using two or three fingers at a time and keep working until you can do it with one finger (each finger) at a time. Once that gets too easy (depending on your current hand and forearm strength, it may take awhile) take the retaining clip off of the handgrip and bend the grip backwards. This will spring the handgrips out some and make it wider and more difficult. Know matter what kind of exercise you do, concentrate on endurance (high repetition) not how much weight you are lifting etc.

By far the key is plenty of time on the bike and learn to relax.

Good Luck

[This message has been edited by Monkey Butt (edited 10-15-2000).]


May 22, 2000
Thanks for the advice! Anyone know of any good techniques to relax while riding?


99 KX250


Oct 18, 2000
Dont think about riding or racing while you are after many hours on a dirt bike you will do everything automatically and if you can think about something completly rediculous you do better. Works for me


Sep 13, 2000
Another good forearm exercise uses something like a broom handle, a weight, and some rope. Cut an old broom handle to about 18' then attach about 3-4' of rope that runs perpendicular to the handle(attach the rope in the middle). Then tie the weight to the bottom of the rope. The exercise is simple: just grab the broom handle just like you hold your grips with the rope between your hands. Hold both hands straight out at shoulder height. Now rotate your hands so the rope starts winding around the handle. Lift the weight, then lower repeat until your forearms burn like crazy. I suggest using a really light weight and do the exercise for an extended period. Your goal is to build some endurance in your forearms, not end up looking like Popeye. Good luck.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by kawi72:
Thanks for the advice! Anyone know of any good techniques to relax while riding?

Try to relax you grip as much as possible, in the air is a great time to give your hands a breather. Make relaxing your hands and arms part of the process of riding the track or trail. Example: This is the point I brake for the turn, this is the corner that I need to be in second gear to clear the next jump, this is the point I can relax my arms, etc..

If you have to slow down for a few rides to develop this habit, it will be well worth the effort.

It really works if you can make it part of your conscious efforts while riding. If you do that for a while, it becomes automatic and you really should notice a lot less arm pump.

'98 KX-250
'98 KX-125 (wife's)
'95 CR-80 (son's)
'00 PW-80 (daughter's)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
This sounds silly, but I chew gum while riding to relax! I have a friend who races and he told me to try it and it works. Helps keep some moisture in your mouth, too. The gum does tend to get crunchy after a while from all the grit, though. I have a really bad habit of doing the "death grip" thing.


Jun 16, 2000
Gum in your mouth while riding ? I would be to afraid of falling or hitting a bump and getting a jolt and me swallowing and choking on it ..


May 22, 2000
Thanks everyone for the input. While riding I have started to tell myself to relax and it works while I am thinking about it but once I stop, back to death grip. Just need to work on it more I guess. I have been working on gripping with my legs, no problem when crouched down or sitting but it feels "awkward" when standing, has anyone else notcied that? It feels weird to grip with your knees when standing up in a fast straight away. I will keep working on it. I don;t know how they can ride race pace for 30 minutes plus two.


99 KX250
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