Fork Rebuild for '98 YZ125


Feb 19, 2007
I just finished replacing the fork seals on my '98 YZ125. Fortunately, the job was quick and easy. I had replaced fork seals on a '85 Honda Interceptor before this job, but I didn't know to expect with the inverted forks. Same principle and same tools. I didn't replace the metal bushings, so I hope that the forks don't leak. The shop where I bought the fork seals said that I would need only the fork seals. I'm using the existing wipers (dust boot) also.

Anyways, I need to re-fill the forks with fork oil and wanted to ask someone out there for the proper weight and quantity of the oil. Thanks.


Feb 3, 2007
I can't help, but this might get more responses in the General Bike Repair,or Suspension forums.
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