Fork Service?


Jan 30, 2003
Hey guys! I have a 2000 CR250 that has a bad seal. I am wondering how much it would cost me to have the fork serviced. What does your standard service entail? I am guessing that it would get seals, oil, and possibly new dowels right? I am also wondering about putting seal savers on it if they are worth the trouble.

By the way, I'm located in Joliet, IL so I would probably just take the whole bike to Jeremy in Kankakee right? I'm not very comfortable with taking the forks off the bike myself, I've never done it and I'm quite positive I'd create a dangerous situation for myself!

Thanks in advance!

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
Fork service costs $69 for total rebuild, oil included.. Seals and parts as needed are extra. I'd guess all said and done your going to be right around $130 with everything..

If you bring the whole bike its an extra $25 labor..

Adam and I are going to be open on Saturday (Late morning) as we are starting on our dealer show booth asembly.. Give us a call to make some arangements.. 815-936-6277 or feel free to try my cell 815-739-3011 if you get up on saturday and feel like coming down.



Jan 30, 2003
Thanks for the quick reply!

I'm gonna try to get it down there this saturday. This is a lttle embarrassing but I don't know if I'll be able to get it outta my garage! :eek:
Damn cable broke on the door and the freakn landlord (Mr. Furley) hasn't fixed it yet. But I think I can do it. I'll call when I roll outta whatever bed I flop on Friday night/Sat morning. :thumb:

What show are you guys gettin ready for?
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