Forums fo handgun owners?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I like it!

So does it work now or is it just a prototype still?
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Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
In my new found fear and paranoia during this Terrorist situation, I just increased my personal Armament. I purchased a Remington 870 Magnum Shotgun for the house. Then I got a Keltec P-11 9mm for concealed carry and for my car. I also got my wife a Smith&Wesson SW9M also a 9mm for concealed carry and her car. Permits are on the way, so it looks like they will stay in the house or car for now.

Speaking of shooting Bin-laden, I just went to this place called Hot-Shots the other day to try out my new toys (Civil Defense Tools). They sold us Targets with Bin-Ladens Picture on them.they were standard size targets with only his head. This was my wifes first time shooting, and she put a bullet right through his nostrel and one right through his Rag. I was pretty proud of her.

Speaking of clubs or forums, I am fairly new to the handgun thing, but they do have a Kel-Tec owners Group at Kel-Tec's Website.

BTW, that Desert Eagle is awsome. I may try and see if they will let me rent it for a trial run next time I go to Hot-Shots. These guns are supposed to have an interchangeable barrel for different calibers. Sweet!

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