Blue Thunder

Dec 20, 2000
My goodness, all I can say is Knobnoster rocks!! That was the coolest
freakin' course I have seen to date. Anyway, my debut in the A class goes like this....
13 of us on the line, bike fires and we get about 50yrds out and two guys up
and to my left tangle bars and both swap and almost go down right in front
of me, I jam the brakes and the whole class including these clowns get
by...yep LAST PLACE for the first lap...for a minimum of 6miles into the first lap.
I got stuck behind a two fellow racers that were to say the least not going as fast as I would like..
A few friendly revs but the guy wouldn't move and we were past the open sections for me to pass. He and
another guy got together at one of the awesome creek crossings, I got by and
jumped up on my pace...they were holding me back so bad that the 1st place B
class rider caught me and slid by...I was po'd now, thinking that the B class that started a full minute behind me was gonna catch up and
get by me, I stayed with this guy for less than a mile and he washed in a turn
and I hauled arse!!
By the 3rd lap of 5 that I completed, I started catching and passing folks,
man that course was fun, 3rd gear and on the gas, loamy dirt only a few
spots in the open areas w/very little dust! A great mix of tight and more open single track, no quads have ever seen this soil so the woods were just great. We had overcast skies w/an occasional sprinkle. The course was very flowing and you could really get a rhythm and run the throttle pretty hard. Just one of those courses where you are having a blast and riding w/no cares in the world.
Took out a
nice size sapling also, didn't even jar the bars..hehe
Man, I was jazzed, that course was just great, we had one large creek
crossing, it was wide but fairly shallow. Some guys kept just bailing off
in there and soaking their goggles and gloves, grips were twisting on the
bars..eeek! I put the bike in first gear and barely made a splash, soon as I
was accross, back on the gas, nice and dry! The other crossing, we came down
the bank, turned in the sand, then went accross about 20ft of water and two
different lines back up the bank, very cool, we also came in from an open
fast straight to drop down on the creek bank and hammer on it for about
200yrds in the sand, then back up and out of it again!

I wound up 7th out of 13 and 14th overall out of 100 riders..I was happy
w/that. I didn't get tired and kept a swift pace the whole race. Went down
twice and the bike stayed running both times, small fall overs. no major get offs at all ...very cool!!!!
A great race and a great time had by all participants, big thanks to the guys that set up the course and major thanks to the land owner for allowing us to have the race on his property. Great event. Jason

Blue Thunder

Dec 20, 2000
Thanks Cal and TTR, weird thing is, that finish in the FM series would only net me the upper mid pack of the Open B class in the Missouri series, there are some major heavy hitters in that series, great competition. Should be hitting the next couple in July on the Mo series, I was given some info from one of those fast Vet riders that the two races in July are really fun courses.


Sep 14, 2001
Great report a guy who races 3 times and goes to the A class. I think we all could learn something from Jason. All i can say is i am glad he aint 30 yet boys, cuz he does put up a fight in the woods. i am assuming the carb is OK.

Blue Thunder

Dec 20, 2000
The carb is ok Ruck, thanks. I only lost the Kouba T-handle, not the whole fuel screw assembly..whew! I got the new jetting dialed and I really like the midrange boost from that ELN needle...woohoo! Looking forward to jumping back over to the Missouri series in July...ya know..I'll be 30 by then.. :p

Blue Thunder

Dec 20, 2000
LMAO..good one Jay, though your ear,nose and eyebrow hairs are grey and long enough for braiding...I'm sure you are not THAT much older than me...can someone please pass the Geritol.. ;)

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