Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
hey, i found two baby birds in front of our store, about to die from heat and stuff, so i got them and put them in a small tank with a heat rock and hand rag over them. anyone tried to care for wild baby birds? i have some bird formula and a dropper. any tips?

James Miller

Jul 26, 2002

I have cared for numerous mammals(rabbits, squirels), but have not tried birds. However, I do know that if you overfeed any wild animal, it will die. If you are certain you want to take care of them, look up "bird rehab" in a search engine. Other than that, you could call a national park and they could give you the number of a wildlife rehabber in your area. I'm not sure if it's the same with birds, but with the baby rabbits and squirrels you must feed them every 4 hours, day and night. Is there any possibility you could return them to the nest? Maybe if you put them off the ground in the tree they came from, the mother would bring them back to the nest. It is NOT true that once a baby bird is handled, the mother won't take it back. What kind of birds are they? Any feathers yet?


Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
i dont know what kind of bird. its gray and still kinda fuzzy with small feathers on wings. it fell from a metal building nest about 25 feet in the air, so i couldnt get it back up there, i dought the mother could take it back up.
i read a little about them,, and it said they need to eat about ever 45 min. whewww...i feed them some bread with a drop of water on it this morning. im going to the pet store today to see what i can find also.
did that squirel you had make a good pet?

James Miller

Jul 26, 2002
One thing i've had to learn, is that there is no reason to raise a wild animal, and keep it. There are exceptions, I beleive, though. I know of one person who raised a squirrel, and when they turned it loose it wasn't able to take care of itself. None of the rabbits i've had would EVER make a good pet. You can feed them, and baby them, and cuddle them all you want, but when their eyes open they start running around and you can't catch them. I know of people who keep raccoons as pets. They are so smart, though, that they can get into lots of trouble. If you want an exotic pet, get a decented skunk. It's just like a cat, except much more interesting and smart.

I don't have any problem keeping a wild animal if there is a reason to. It seems like the longer you keep a perfectly healthy animal, the more restless they become. They require special diets, too. that can get expensive!

Anyway, all that to say, no matter what happens to your birds, think of it as a learning expeirience. Sure, i've lost baby animals before, and sometimes there is more wrong with an animal than we know about.



Aug 4, 2000
Really strange. I went out to our property yesterday and started the tractor. I saw a large puff of grass land next to me and realized that birds had built a nest in the exhaust stack. A closer look revealed three baby birds. It was kind of sad, but I realized there was nothing I could or probably should do. Circle of life deal, some predator will end up with an easy meal. :(


Jun 5, 2001
Real good Todd, don't you know to always check your stack prior to start up, kinda like your pre-flight checks.;)

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
they say its hard to make a wild bird live long, ive tried before when i was younger, no luck.. but they would have been dead by now for sure as they were in the sun in a large parking lot and could one could barley raise its head it was so week, now it has lots of energy. well, its been at least 30 min since last feed time..i got to go feed them, i got some vitamin water from the pet store for them. wish me luck guys...i think i have to take them to work tommorow with me so i can feed them...
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