From 2001 cr125 to 2003 RM250?


Aug 24, 2004
i am working on gettting an 2003 rm250. i am coming off of a 2001 cr125. is there that much of a difference in power delivery? because the cr is terrible on the bottom end. the rm250 has an 8 oz flywheel though. i ride mostly trails though so am not on the pipe all the time but i do like to go to the track. does anyone have an rm250 that can chime in on what i should expect, power wise?


Mar 28, 2004

The difference is like night and day. A 125 has to be ridden on the pipe to keep the motor in the powerband. With most 250 bikes, a throttle blip provides instantaneous power. Just ride slow and careful in the beggining and give yourself time to adapt to the power delivery.


Aug 24, 2004
does it have pretty decent bottom end? i am more concerned on how the power comes on. i was just wondering if the powerband is more smooth and four stroke like than the cr125., also, do u know if the plastics and seat are interchangeable on the 02-05 rm250's?


Jan 19, 2004
Most any 250 will have much better low end than a 125. But that does not mean that they are 4 stroke like by any means. But, I have read here, that allot of folks use a flywheel weight to smooth out the power if it is too abrupt. I have about 6 or 7 years experience riding 125's and am bored with mine. I am putting it up for sale in the spring and am getting a 250 also. I basically am getting a 250 for the same reasons as you. The places I've ridden last year had quite a bit of sand and some huge hills. A number of guys told me not to get a 125 when I first got back into riding, I think a 250 would have been too much for me initially, but now I can't wait to get one! :yeehaw:

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
the 250 is a big difference compared to the 125. When i jumped on a 250 for the first time i thought to myself it cant be to much difference than a 125 but man was i wrong. The power is totally different, as now i will never go back to a 125. The flywheel weight will help out a lot with the 250 and i'm sure you will have no problems with the low end, at least I never had.

d36RM racer

May 26, 2004
The power is night and day the 250 will hit instantly and take off. as a owner of a 03 RM250 id say try riding without the flywheel Rodney Smith told me personaly that the bike is much better without it unless its reall muddy and he's the #1 gncc rider.


Mar 10, 2004
I have a 03 rm250, it doesnt matter what gear or what rev, this bike will rip you arms off and thats standard. Its better to have to much power than not enough. Theres so much bottom end its hard to keep the front wheel down (in any gear)
You could chuck some boyesen pro reeds in for more snap and bottom, cut the rear silencer down a little. I love mine and im sure you will have a blast on it.
I find cr's have a roll on even spread of power, where the rm just hits like punch from David Tua.
These are great bikes and I would recomend to anyone.
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