Front Brake Malfunction, Help!


Sep 26, 2000
I took off my front fork to have the seal replaced yesterday and last night when I put everything back together the front brake malfunctioned. Here is what's happening:

After bleeding a bit of brake oil out to set the plungers (pistons)of the brake back, retightening the oil port, I re-install the brake. The tire spins fine at this point. After hitting the brake a few times, the brake pads won't retract back and release the tire.

I have pulled the pads out, cleaned the plungers as best as I could, mostly just wiping them down and removing any dirt/dust build-up. I cleaned the brass pin that hold the pads in place, I made sure the brake had movement/flexibility before re-installing it. I got the plungers to push as far out as they could, then with allot of effort I pushed them back into place.

What do you think is causing this? Is the brake fixable? It's the original brake on the 98 KTM 250sx. I didn't have this problem on the rear brake when I changed the pads, so why is the front so different? Or is it?

Please let me know what you think as soon as you can, I'd like to ride tomorrow and I have a race on Sunday


Jan 9, 2000
It sounds like you have something holder the plunger in on the master cylinder(where the front brake lever bolts up)remove the lever and inspect.
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