Front rotor guard question


May 3, 2001
Why is it that Honda seems to be the only mfr that ships its bikes with these plastic front rotor guards? Do they really help? If so, more for MX or woods? I would assume they must otherwise the engineers and bean counters at Honda would just leave it off and save the $$, but still find it odd that their competitors don't.

My bike came with an aftermarket plastic one from Acerbis and I still run it. I assume by the scratches on it that it's doing some good, and it does seem to keep mud and sticks out of the caliper area when I compare my bike to my buddies after a ride in mud. I guess the negatives are it makes tire changes longer and the front end look less racey.

I wondered if maybe Honda fits them for close MX racing, when you try to get a wheel under someone in a block pass so you don't nick the rotor? I believe I noticed Bubba running a black one recently, too.


2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
I can't see how those plastic guards do much to protect the rotor. I never use to run one until........a freak thing with a tiny sappling that got stuck between the caliper/rotor, wrapped around the hub, and threw me over the bars. I run one now.
Feb 13, 2007
Those gaurds are great when the terrain has alot of loose rock, or tree debri. I assume that Honda's are manufactured near where we dropped the bombs, as the rock debri in the soil in these areas must be immense. :coocoo:


Apr 8, 2006
I like them, the only problem I have with is they turn yellow with the fork guards. Oh well.
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