
Aug 27, 2001
Fuel/oil ratio is a refection on style of riding, size of engine, and type of oil.  Low rpm's will need less oil while higher rpm's will require more oil.  synthetic oils offer better protection so you can get away with less oil compared to Dinosaur oil.  A quality oil will list the recommended ratio for its intended use. Maxima web site will give you some good informative reading regarding 2 cycle oil.  Read into the specs.  There is much more to oil than my readers digest version here.  You can also do a search on this subject and find some very in depth discussions that are way over my head.  That being said I use Belray H1R@ 40:1 with premium Chevron pump gas.  My .02 only





Nov 10, 2002
Does this apply to all oils? I'm running Motul 800 (fully synthetic) in my '00. A Motul rep said you can safely halve the recommended ratio. Does this mean I can run the fully synthetic Motul at 80:1, vs the 40:1 that I'm using now? I actually ran 50:1 for the last 2 tanks with no issues. I know several people who run fully synthetic Amsoil, and they run 100:1 with no issues. ???


G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
I only like to do a preventative lower-end bearing replacement every 11 years or so, so I run 32:1...


Oct 14, 1999
There are dyno tests that have been done (granted, by a chain saw outfit) that show HP gains the MORE oil is used....right up to plug foul.

I DON'T know if the carb was changed (rejetted) in the study I read to adjust for the ever leaner A/F ratios that go along with adding more oil. That adjustment isn't huge by any means (less than 1% expressed as change in gasoline volume changing from 40 to 50:1). I'm just saying it wasn't noted to what extent the A/F ratio change accounted for HP differences.

I use superm (maxim)..and mix it as they recommend (40:1). I figure they know more about it than I do.

re: 100:1 (and such ratios) and 'issues'.

Where is the independent verification of such use on bottom ends over time? Lower ends too!!

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