Mr Dirt

Feb 7, 2008
Gate fees for riders
I personal think the gate fee needs to go away for the racer / rider!
He or She has to pay to race! Don't they? And also the gate fee.
If it wasn't for the racer we would not have a race.
Is it fair?, I personal don't think it is!
I can understand the other people and crew that are with the rider, I have no problem with that.
I don't want to p anyone off but this has bugged me for the past 4 years of racing.
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Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Of course if the track owners didn't make any money the racers wouldn't have anywhere to race. Maybe just upping the cost to race by the gate fee and dropping the gate fee would fix everything? ;)


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
I have wonderred about this since we started racing and while I agree it is crazy to ask the entertainer to pay admission there is another side to it. As Patman said then the fee to race would just go up. The tracks are not making a fortune (at least the ones I have been to) on Amateur races and that fee is an important part of the days receipts. Next problem and I know someone would have a way around it- everyone could show up with a bike in their truck and claim to be a racer. My son travels with 2 bikes so I could say I race one and get in free.
The other point is that while they are there to race at our track they might only be 1/28th of the program and would be spectators the rest of the day.
Still it hits me that you wouldn't charge the football team to come in to the game.

Mr Dirt

Feb 7, 2008
I am not saying to let the racer race for free just the gate fee, sign up at the gate pay your race fee at the gate.
Or you don't get in.

Mr Dirt

Feb 7, 2008
Race fees have gone up, gas has gone up.
Racers drive for miles to race, (most time more then one racer shows up at the track!)
I know the price of fuel has also gone up for the track owner as well, but he is one vs the the 100 or more that may show up to race.
But unless the length of the track has got longer the owner is going to see the price of the increase in fuel and electricity and I am sure some other things also.
The rider/s that drives for 100 or more miles, what it cost he last time to race is going to cost him more.
But if it wasn't for the person that wants to race the track owner doesn't have a race.
You also can bet if the racer doesn't get charged at the gate he or she will most likely spend the money at the track anyway.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
LOL! I can't wait for Wardy to see this one :)


Jan 9, 2005
A friend of mine owns a great track out here in AZ. He pays a fortune in insurance at each event. Lets stop suing tracks every time someone falls off and maybe the price will go down!


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
gracey said:
How about gate fees for everyone, and no race fees?
OH YEAH That will fly :)

Problem with eliminating gate fees is that at many races the majority of spectators are racers waiting for their motos. At a football game I guess the non starters are also spectators but the game they are contesting is the only game on the field.
As stated earlier eliminate one fee will raise the other since most tracks are dependent on the income to keep open and give us a place to race.

Our track gets an average of 600 racers at an event we fought long and hard to keep gate fees at $5 but last season we had to finally give in and raise them to $7 (most tracks in our district charge $10). That extra $1200 pays a lot of insurance and other costs. We as a track are a non profit and do it not for the money but to keep racing alive and at the end of the season we usually have about $30K in the bank to seed the next season


Aug 21, 2005
You are correct, racers shouldn't have to pay gate fees. Instead the race fees would be increased. When you think about it, this would really benefit the track owners. In my area, I pay $10 to watch a race, kids 6-11 pay $5 at the gate, and 5 and under are free. Most race classes are $20. Since many riders race multiple classes, the track owners could race the race fee to $30 while eliminating the gate fee, and make a killing. For starters, the kids on 50s, 65, and even some of the 80s would now be paying an extra $5 if they only race one class, and $15 to run 2. This is because they aren't paying the $5 gate fee. Now since a lot of adults don't mind spending $40 to ride 4 motos on Sunday, they too would help support the track with an extra $10 a week.

My greed has indicated to me that racers shouldn't have to pay a gate fee, until I got to know a few track owners. Most of these guys aren't in it to make money, they love the sport, and want to give back. Unfortunately, running a public motocross track isn't cheap, and they have to pay the bills. One track owner that I know works in a local service department during the week and takes care of his (formerly practice) track after work. His wife does a lot of work on the track as well.


Aug 29, 2007
theres a decent county owned track by my house, and some one was riding there, lost control and went completely off the track and crashed into a parked tractor, needless to say the operator put the tractor in a dangerous and precarious location(30 or 40 feet from the track) and now the guy is sueing, its as if these people dont like having nice tracks with a 5 dollar entrance fee twenty minutes from home.. :coocoo:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
If he didn't hit the tractor he would have found another reason that it wasn't his fault he got hurt.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Mr Dirt said:
Magic world suing!
never have done it and hope never do it!
Ride and race at you own risk!

I've seen others say the same thing and turn around and sue.

Not saying you would but saying that a track owner has to protect himself from the lowest common denominator or they won't stay in business.


Mr Dirt

Feb 7, 2008
Well after 5 thousand or more on my sons leg to replace the ACL I didn't sue the track, and the cost of the ride in the meat wagon to the ER and trips to the therapists 35.00 co pay each time.
But I guess some people will sue for something.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
LOL yep i am here.

Ok, well then I really SUCK! I also charge a pit pass fee.

Most tracks make money, not as much as many riders may think but it's a business and has to be profitable or no business. Pretty simple.

So you know, Ricky, James and the resst I am pretty sure paid an entry fee.....likely thier sponsors did. but no "gate fee".

Sure we can change the structure around and instead of 25 for a rider entry make it 35 and hope it works that all are treated fairly......

However, the best way to make it work is do a "gate fee", at that time we make sure that all people on the property are signed in correctly. Of course that don't count the 10% hiding in the back of the motorhome or know who you are!

Most people that have "real business's" would laugh at the few people out there that do this sport as a business full time. The risk versus reward is pretty small. But i am not complaining at all I enjoy what i do and try just to do it better.

I have raced for 33 years, and all tracks i have gone to have done this process this way, you see as a rider you may be the "show" but when was the last time you went to a race and seen more "spectators" then "riders"........ You don't becasue this sport on an amatuer level isn't a very good "draw" for the spectator. We the "amatuer" rider may think we are pretty dam cool, but not many spectators will spend the money week in and week out to watch us...... if that changes then sure riders could demand more, at this point please know that my "fees" have not changed since 2001, and what has the price of fuel done in the last three years???? The only reason I have been able to stay at those prices............our turnouts have increased, with out the increase our little race series would be in trouble also.

Mr Dirt

Feb 7, 2008
wardy said:
LOL yep i am here.

Ok, well then I really SUCK! I also charge a pit pass fee.

Most tracks make money, not as much as many riders may think but it's a business and has to be profitable or no business. Pretty simple.

So you know, Ricky, James and the resst I am pretty sure paid an entry fee.....likely thier sponsors did. but no "gate fee".

Sure we can change the structure around and instead of 25 for a rider entry make it 35 and hope it works that all are treated fairly......

However, the best way to make it work is do a "gate fee", at that time we make sure that all people on the property are signed in correctly. Of course that don't count the 10% hiding in the back of the motorhome or know who you are!

Most people that have "real business's" would laugh at the few people out there that do this sport as a business full time. The risk versus reward is pretty small. But i am not complaining at all I enjoy what i do and try just to do it better.

I have raced for 33 years, and all tracks i have gone to have done this process this way, you see as a rider you may be the "show" but when was the last time you went to a race and seen more "spectators" then "riders"........ You don't becasue this sport on an amatuer level isn't a very good "draw" for the spectator. We the "amatuer" rider may think we are pretty dam cool, but not many spectators will spend the money week in and week out to watch us...... if that changes then sure riders could demand more, at this point please know that my "fees" have not changed since 2001, and what has the price of fuel done in the last three years???? The only reason I have been able to stay at those prices............our turnouts have increased, with out the increase our little race series would be in trouble also.
OK I see your point and you are correct as a owner of a track and in business to make money.

Think about this!

But next time you go the the bike shop, if you are a (A) rider (B) rider (C) rider and the bike shop gives you a discount on your parts don't take it, as a matter of fact give them a extra 10 or 20%! they are also in business also.

Or pull into a gas station and buy gas or fuel don't bitch just think about the people that are going to travel to your track this weekend and what it cost them to get from point to point.

Or your wife or you goes to the store.

Don't you agree!same thing.

I didn't start this thread to piss thread off any owners or anyone else, but it looks like I did, I was only asking a question. (WHY)

Curious Question to track owners?

Doesn't it also cost you just as much to get the track ready and have 20 racers show up as it would to have 200 or more show up?

And as for the 10% that are in the back of the motor home and in the trailer make it track policy to look in side, yea I know you may make the guy in the truck behind the motor home mad.

But think about the 10% extra money you will make!

I didn't ask for everyone in the motor home to get in with no gate fee just the racer.

Attraction is the answer


Aug 29, 2007
Patman said:
If he didn't hit the tractor he would have found another reason that it wasn't his fault he got hurt.
yep. when i was filling out the paperwork there saying i wouldnt sue, i said that i would never sue the place where i ride, the ranger replied that most people say that, but its the lawyers that see potential cases when people get hurt, so they come in and try to sue for you and then cut themselves in on the settlement as payment. its sad its not like the good ole days, but if it ever came to A: let insurance cover my injury and still have a place to ride when i get better, or B:sue, make a little money, heal up, and be on my ass when i want to go to the track that is no longer in business, ill take the first one


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
stumanarama said:
A: let insurance cover my injury and still have a place to ride when i get better, or B:sue, make a little money, heal up, and be on my ass when i want to go to the track that is no longer in business, ill take the first one

The problem with A is that insurance companies don't like to pay for your accidents and insurance companies have a lot of lawyers.

Insurance companies can start the process without you.

They tried with me and I had to send a notarized letter saying that when I broke my shoulder blade at a race that it was my fault completely.

I was landed on by another rider and the insurance company wanted to go after them. I had to fight hard to get them to agree it was 100% my fault and not that of another rider or the track.



Jan 9, 2005
I've had my share of broken bones racing over the years. Don't tell the insurance, hospital or doctors that you were racing. Tell them you were trail riding and fell off!

If you race for money some insurance companies will fight not to pay.


Jan 9, 2005
wardy said:
Of course that don't count the 10% hiding in the back of the motorhome or know who you are!

Haven't done that since 79. Murphy's law bit me in the butt, I crashed and got hurt. Won't try that again.

The tracks out here in the Phoenix area band the racers and spectators with different color wrist bands. If your band falls off you pay again!


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
MrDirt I don't think you made Wardy mad he was just pointing out the facts of running a track and he has more experience then most.
I was a bit surprised by the pit pass fee for non racers but would not refuse to pay it. Actually there are a couple tracks here in Wisconsin which also charge the pitpass fee if you do not arrive in the same vehicle as the rider- This is a way to control access and keep theft down in the pits. One track owner I talked to said since starting the fee complaints of stolen tools, parts, gear and even bikes has gone down over 90%. Seems most potential thieves do not want to pay $7 to shop
Our track draws an average of 600 riders per event and about 1500 spectators but we couldn't keep the same fee structure with the loss of the gate fee revenue. At this point we have many tracks that are not real happy that we keep our fees as minimal as possible with our entry fees $7 per class less then everyone and our gate fees $3 less and still every race we catch 15 to 20 people sneaking in unpaid in trailers or whatever. In 2008 we are going to wristbands and if you do not have one on you will be escorted off the property no matter who you are- racer or spectator :whoa:
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