
Aug 11, 2002
Gates decided to put a ride together last week (short notice). I wasn't sure about it but decided to go ahead and make the 4 hour drive (by myself). I got there about 9am (my time anyway). there was only one guy there (sorry I can't remember the name,but I'll just call you KTM guy), but that was cool with me. We talked for a bit until CAL, his father, and darby (right?) arrived. By time we were about to hit the trail brian shows up, which is a good thing cause my slow...... would have gotten lost three times if he hadn't been following. We had a lil' riders meeting, so gates could tell us the deal on where to go what to watch for ect.

We started off and I of course was last (except for brian because he was following to make sure we didn't get lost or hurt), but that was cool with me. The first thing I noticed was how tight these trails were. They were just my style, I love tight sections and this thing had 10 miles of tight section. Anyway, gates and CAL (I think) were setting a really good pace for the group. not that I followed sute, cause they always seemded to be waiting on me. They were cool about waitin for me, they coulda just kept goin', because the trails is marked half way decent. It was fun and I think I wrecked maybe 2 times on lap one (which is awseome for me), sor I was happy!

when it was time for lap 2 gates had left left with three other guys that showed up and was on his way back, when we left. We decided to go off in groups of skill so that everyone would be able to get the most out of it (Gates and those guys, then CAL and his dad lonnie + Darby then for the third more slow group was me and KTM guy) unfortunatly it didn't happen that way. We started to go to the trails and I wanted to go back to the truck to tighten up my shift lever bolt. KTM guy was gonna wait on me (and did), but I thought he was coming back with me. When I got back and started tighting my lever I see a couple bikes go off into the trail (darby and lonnie). Like 2 seconds later CAL rides up passes me turns around and goes to sit by the trail head. Now I had though KTM guy went off with the other two and I was going to Ride with CAL (when I started my engine and took off, so did corey). So basically I got all confused and left KTM guy behind to ride by himself and darby and lonnie had left corey (they thought he was with them). I found darby and lonnie and they were looking for CAL, so we waited and there he cam. We also waited on KTM guy cause we could hear him on his way. Somehow he didnt pass us, I guess he turned around. So I turned around, to look for him. I finnaly did see him, but couldn't get to him...... That was the last I seen or heard of him for lap 2. We both did a lap more or less by our selves, which was good for me cause I got to practise a few sections and take my time (I didn't ride the full lap, but I did ride most of it though) I didn't wreck at all on this lap!!!

After 20 miles through the tight woods I was really tired (thats my story and I'm stickin to it), but we decided to do one last "slow lap". A lap where they would wait untill I got 50 feet from them and then they would take off, so I didn't have time to take a breather.... It's all good though. I barley made this lap, but was quite proud(and exhausted) that I made it without cheating. That's all I have to say about that lap.

All in all it was an awseome day to ride and a lot of people missed out. I had a blast, THANKS Gates for letting us all come out there and ride. You have an awseome track and I throughly enjoy it. I think thats the hardest I've ever rode!!

If any DRN'ers get a chance to go out there for a ride... GO!! He only rides on it a few times a year so its really nice. There aren't to many real bad ruts (like 2-3 bad ones) and some really cool berms/ruts.
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