Gear Oil Vent Hose?


Mar 29, 2009
Recently I had a blown water pump seal that was letting coolant into my clutch oil. It was so bad that the coolant was overflowing the gear box after about 1 hour of riding. I noticed my bike (KDX250 '91) was starting to run rough at idle and it was starting to smoke a lot more than normal, so I checked my air filter and it was completely saturated with white milky oil. I had oil all over in the air box, in the bottom, in the intake, I'm sure there was quite a bit that got into the carb. That's when I noticed that there is a hose that vents the gear oil and it ends up inside my air box. I have fixed the water pump seal problem and cleaned the carb, filter, replaced gaskets, and and changed my plug. My question is about the vent hose: Does it need to go inside the air box? Is it some kind of emissions thing or is it pulling a small amount of vacuum from the box? The reason that I ask is in case this ever happens again or if somehow water gets into the gear oil from riding through water all day. It was kind of a pain in the ass to clean all that up from inside the air box, carb, and if it isn't necessary to have it in the air box, I am just going to strap it onto the frame somewhere else. Anybody know? Thanks!


Jul 8, 2006
They come routed down behind the motor at the swingarm with the carb vent hoses.
I would say someone put it to the air box to prevent water from entering the transmission in deep water. It want hurt anything if you want to move it.