Getting a new bike need a little help


Feb 25, 2004
Ok here is the deal im getting ready to buy a new bike but im not sure exactly what to get and im sure this question has been asked a million times to bear with me. First my experience I have been riding a street bike (gsxr600) for about 2 years now and have rode dirt bikes for about 6 months. Im about 180 and 5'11 i am mostly going to be in the woods but am going to start to learn how to race. I am thinking about getting a Yamaha 250 but im not sure if i want a 2 stroke or 4 stroke? Also Im not sure if a 250 would be to much although i dont want to outgrow something quickly? So suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Apr 23, 2001
What kind of racing are you thinking of? That will make a big difference on what bikes are best. New or used?


Feb 25, 2004
Im going to purchase a new bike I want to start trying a little motocross I have always been interested and regret not getting into it b4 now. I think I have made up my mind on getting a yz250 I know it is a little much for wooded area but I think I can manage.Now I just have to learn how to do the engine work being the top end will need to rebuilt at some point.


Apr 23, 2001
The yz250 is a good bike. On trails, it can be a blast until you start getting into technical stuff, then it takes alot of throttle and clutch control. There are better bikes for that, but the yz ain't bad. You might consider a flywheel weight if you plan on hitting much tight tech stuff. I learned that the trails I pick are the ones that suit the bike. When I had a KDX for the main scoot, I hit alot of tech stuff, but on the YZ I hit lots of more open faster stuff...second gear, winding through the trees type instead of first gear goat trails. :laugh:
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