Lori-If my computer here at work ever craps out, the Commodore would be a step up! Actually, I've got a 266Mhz with a 2gig hard drive. I'm expected to run Outlook/AutoCad/AS400/Word/Excel/play CD's and surf DRN all at the same time! Not bloody likely! I've got about 300meg of free space left on the C drive. Barely enough to run one program. It's embarrassing, really. But I'm on the "Request" list for a new PC next year (If I still have this job, that is). There are people here running 800Mhz and 1GHz towers and faster hand-me-downs than mine. I'm the fourth guy to have this computer. There's so much crappola on it, I don't know what to delete or keep. Could be worse, I could be unemployed (or unemployable:eek: ).