
Jul 14, 2000
Ok, well this story is REALY long so im going to make it short. Basically there was this girl that I cared for and loved VERY VERY VERY much, and she use to like me, and I have always liked her, although we never talked about it or anything, it was apparent to everyone. But we finally talked about it a few days ago and it was evident she didnt want to, and she was getting hostile. So in the end she tells me that I never loved her, and it was just some kind of selfish crazy lustfull obsession, I never did anything because I loved her! :( This killed me, I got physically sick because of it and missed a day of school(not something I enjoy with make up work and all) We had an increadibly close relationship and this comes out! I was just completely dumbfounded. Me, as well as quite a few others, know how much I cared for her and and it was NOT LUST AT ALL. I talked to her about it once more the day after she said all that stuff and I told her everything I have done in the past out of caring for her so much that she never knew I did and she said nothing to me. Now she doesnt talk to me on AIM or anything and im not going to say anything to her...because its her that has to figure out she was wrong. I just dont even know what to think about this! Im completely at a loss here and dont understand it at all. I care increadibly for someone and they end up thinking the exact opposite and well...being a big 'ol bit...well, you can figure it out. I didnt know if I should put this in the flame board or completely off topic or what. I just needed to talk to someone because im increadibly hurt and dont understand. :whiner:

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
you're thinking you can figure out the opposite sex, my friend. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!! Just when you think you are catching on they will change the rules on you. Trust me, I've been married for over 20 years to the same one and she confounds me all the time. me, on the otherhand, I'm very predictable. she likes that. She's not, and I like that. Otherwise we'd just be two people boring each other to death.
It could be she is just trying to guage how determined you are. You stick to being you, don't try to change for anybody. if you do it will come back to bite you because you are building a relationship on deception.
Just don't try to fix her bike or her computer! :p


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by slo' mo
you're thinking you can figure out the opposite sex, my friend. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!! You stick to being you, don't try to change for anybody. if you do it will come back to bite you because you are building a relationship on deception.
Very good advice. Look out for #1 but don't step in #2!(Rodney Dangerfield)


Apr 18, 2001
MOOMAN... I know how you feel. I've been through a situation like so. Try and give it time. Maybe the way she reacted the way she did is because she is scared to love you back. Love is not only an evil word but a hard thing for most people. Give her time to realize what she has and I'm sure you to will work out in the end! Good luck my friend!

:moon: <--- nothing to do w/ subject but its great!


Nov 9, 2000
I've found that accepting that you're going to be bummed but knowing that it will eventually get better will make it easier in the long run. It probably doesn't seem like it now, but you, like me, are young and there is plenty of time to find your mate. Like everyone says, time heals, it just doesn't seem like it for a while. I spent a year with a woman just to have things go sour. No boring details, but it sucks no matter how it ends. I'm sure a year sounds like child's play compared to some of the verterans around here, and I would bet that they would say the same thing about things getting better. Just know that it doesn't hurt forever.


Jul 5, 2001
Same thing has happened to me a bit different, but close.As slo'mo said don't change "you" for her.I just left her alone and didn't say much except a hey or hello when I saw her and it all soon got better and she doesn't hate me anymore as she once said and we are very close friends now(maybe more:confused: ), but just don't change yourself for her because doing that you might scare off some other girl that has been checking you out.;) Just not going to get into what I did to get into the situation.:eek: Good luck MoO


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 11, 2001
I don't mean to down play you at all, but what you're going thru right now isn't half as bad as the crap that I'm going thru w/my wife. I WISH I was having your problems. Bottom line, things will get better and they will work out. They may not work out the way you want, but things will improve. There are a LOT more fishies in the sea, and there has to be at least a few out there that will treat you better. Law of averages says so. Chin up buddy.


Nov 12, 2001
Or, you could take my view. After 40 years I finally figured out women are like city buses, stand on the corner and another will be by in 5 minutes! It's not worth tearing yourself up over.



die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
Ok, you came up short on the double and endo'ed big time in front of the crowd and it hurts like h!@# and you tore your new jersey but we got more motos to run here and your not out of it. Get it!
So the question is what are you gonna do about it? Park it or ride it?

Lesson#1 talk about your feelings early on instead of keeping it to yourself. She might have thought you were being self centered by not talking to her about it earlier. Wimmin are kinda funny that way.
Lesson #2 life is to short to waste on sick relationships. Fix em or forget em! It take two here!
Lesson#3 If you think that is bad try being married for 18 years and having 3 kids, you won't believe what you will go through! Talk about a walk in the park!
Lesson#4 Saddle up cowboy, we got work to do!

Just another lesson in life for those discerning enough to read the handwriting on the wall. Cheer up! At least she didn't ask you for gas and a match, shoot you in the knees, and light you on fire!:) Devil wimmin indeed!

Ride on!;) It's an old school thing, like Geezer!


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
"Women... was it a mistake, or did he do it to us on purpose?"


Moo-Did you ever see that part in the movie "Scanners" where the dude's head started bulging veins and then blood started running out of his nose and then BOOM!!!, his head explodes?

Get used to that feeling...


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Lou is making reference to his last date. No more than 5 psi Lou, that is all that they can hold!:D :moon:


Jan 10, 2000
Moo, Not slight what your going through because I know it stinks, but It could be al;ot worse. my fiance and I just broke up a month ago after four years. I am stilling haveing a tuff go of it but like others have said it gets better every day. BTW one good thing to keep in mind is women=devil units


Nov 21, 2001
Moo, I know this sucks, but there is a bright side. When a relationship or anything like that goes sour, I have more time and energy, not to mention money to spend on my bikes and racing. As long as things are not really too serious this is a pretty effective release, as it is better than getting all torn up over. Unlike divorce, most of the bad stuff passes by quickly. It's not like she's gonna get half of YOUR stuff or anything like that, but it will hurt for a little while. Don't ever let'em see ya sweat.


Sep 22, 2000
Bummer MoO_

Start by lifting one foot and placing it in front of the other--etc-etc!

Life is full of heartaches and puzzles, ya just have to walk on or you can end up like this-----:aj:

Hope that all the responses from your friends here at DRN help, you know we are here for ya Bud. :)


Jan 27, 2000
Moo. Don't let it get you down.

I don't consider myself an expert on the subject. but, I have been married to the same lady for the last 37 years.

Below I have listed everything that I have learned about women. Hope this helps..

2. :scream:
3. DUHHH!!
4. ???????

Next, we will discuss the meaning of life.:moon:
Last edited:


Feb 9, 2000
Moo, chin up bud, yeah I know it hurts like hell, been there too.

Had just started working, went out with a girl for a year, was my first love, family pressure broke it up, I was devastated, had to go for a good sob in the loo sometimes at work, sometimes it can be overwhelming. If you feel bad now, wait for that first love thingy, man that is even tougher.

I guess these are the lessons we learn in life.

Now if there is something to salvage, have your say, write it down on paper, your feelings and things, maybe even talk to one of her good friends. Her friends will be able to tell you if you should quit or keep going, maybe also talk some sense to her. Don't get your hopes up.

If all else fails, keep your head up high, no whipped dog thang, life is a long hard journey buddy, and there are no guarantees for happily ever after. Just be true to yourself, and keep going. It looks really bad now, but if you keep your head, don't harass the girl, let things smooth down, in a short while things will look a lot better.

Love is pain ... pain is everything :(

Talking about broken hearts on Valentines day :ugg:

The Josh

Jan 16, 2002
Moo guy, women are the devil:debil: I have decided to live a life of celebecy with betsy(my motorcycle) to eliminate any chance of getting "lets just be friendsed" again, I suggest the same for you. When ever you are tempted to look at a woman think about what betsy(or what ever your motorcycles name is)would say. March on and keep the faith!!!!!!


Jul 14, 2000
Thanks alot guys, I talked to one of her friends and she couldnt believe she said that and she said she wanted to punch her for it :debil: Oh well, Like i said, im not going to say anything, I told her everything and she thinks im just feeding her lies or something, so its up to her to come to me. Shes done crap to me before but this one is probly the worst. I should have taken the advice of everyone around me and told her she needs to get a life after some of the previous things shes done...oh well, I dont know what being in love feels like but I feel like im in if only michelle would realize that :silly: Thanks agian guys, you've helped alot


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Moo buddy "michelle" is married and lives in New Zealand! Oh wait maybe you don't mean THAT one.:confused:

An old wise man once told me in all his years he had learned thse this about women.

1. :confused:
2. :scream:
3. DUHHH!!
4. ???????

I am still at #1 with an occasional :scream: thrown in. Don't sweat it bud it could be worse. NO? Remember the day you stuck your finger in the fan? :D

This too shall come to pass.


Feb 9, 2000
Love is stronger than pride - Sade (the singer)

Moo, maybe she does feel something for you and is confused, scared of her real feelings. Just send her one white rose (if you can find one), otherwise a red one will do, withe these words "I really do care", and leave it at that. :cool:
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Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
God gave us two puzzles to pass the time "the meaning of life?" and "women?"; the kicker is if you figure out either of them you will probablly be struck down by a bolt of lightning:confused:
The best advice I can give you is to control what you can control, that being YOU, and just work on rounding yourself into the best YOU that you can be! Soon you will find somebody who appreciates you, and who is right for you, and you will forget this girl even exists.
So get out there and enjoy the diversity of life while your young! There's plenty of time for ulcers later on when your old like say after 25 ;)


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
At the risk of sounding like a bitter old man I'll say this: Moo, you're going to find out the hard way (like we all do) that relationships (all of them) will bring you the most joy, and the most sorrow, of any part of your life. It's not really a win or lose game. It just a game that you must play as fairly as you can. If you play, you'll get hurt. If you don't play, you'll miss some of the best times of your life. It's best to just do the best you can. If you get knocked down, get up and keep moving forward.

The best advice I can give you is, don't take my advice.:)


Feb 9, 2000
The best advice I can give you is, don't take my advice

Hey, I thought this was some of the best advice to date :)

relationships (all of them) will bring you the most joy, and the most sorrow, of any part of your life

Ain't this the truth :(
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