the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I went out to Hungry Valley all by my lonesome on Sunday ... and who should show up but Kiwi, Adam, and Adam's buddy Tyler. We had a fun day and covered alot of ground considering Adam's only been on a bike about 6 times. 44 miles in about 8 hours ! Any seat starts to feel uncomfortable after that many hours !

We did 2 loops. An early morning run of about 25 miles through the valley floor, and a later loop of about 19 miles through the forest. Yes, we did take Adam into the forest on only his 7th ride, and while he did provide several SPECTACULAR get-offs, he bucked up and completed the ride on the pegs and with a smile on his face.

We also learned about pigeon enduros from a veteran pigeon racer.

Tyler and Adam were cracking me up - they weren't afraid to try anything ... but I guess youth is blind that way. They did hillclimbs and downhills that I didn't touch with a 10 foot pole when I was at their level of experience. "Tienen cojones grandes !"

They weren't too pleased with the hardpack and sand in the valley. They each had a few good washouts and sandplows. They put on a pretty good show on Backbone on one nasty hillclimb. Adam tried it 3 times and each time he would stop just short of the top - and would start sliding back down. Kiwi kept asking him why he didn't power all the way to the top and Adam just kinda ignored him. Pretty funny. I think Adam kick started his XR 200 about 200 times during the entire day - they named the bike well ! Every time he dropped it (and he dropped it many, many times) it would flood and require several dozen kicks. Not fun. But it was fun to watch Tyler and Adam dogpaddling all the time in the sand. Ahhh - hideous memories of my first sand rides ! Other than that the 1st loop was pretty uneventful. Beautiful weather all day and Kiwi and I did a few fun little sandy hillclimbs during one of our rest stops.

Loop 2 was where the fun really began.

Good hillclimb action and we also threw in the Tejon and Goldhill forest trails. The hill by the powerlines was where we stayed for about 30 minutes. Lots of good get-offs and Adam almost jumped off a steep hill. He was blasting up the hill and made the lip when he saw there was a massive drop-off right over the top. He jumped off just in time - his front wheel was hanging over the side - just spinning !!!!! Good save ! Funny thing was I didn't know this when we climbed up to see if he was OK - and I almost went over myself ! Then Kiwi peer-pressured me into riding down the steepest hill I think I've ever actually rode down (after he blasted up it, of course - the guy loves to climb). It was a spooky thing.

The forest beat us up pretty good and Adam tasted dirt several more times. He and Tyler were tired but seemed happy when we got back. A challenging ride for them and a fun day for all of us.

See you next time fellas !


Jan 30, 2000
Nice report Eel, I don't have much to add.

It was cool turning up at Gorman and seeing a little Toyota and thinking "That looks like the Eel".

Adam (Faceplant) and Tyler had a great time, thanks for running sweep - glad you got to see some good crashes.

Mr Faceplant

Jul 9, 2002
Awesome report Eel.
Thanks for helping me pick up my bike the few times I almost went over the cliffs, hills, banks, etc.

It was a blast maybe next time we will do some more hill climbs.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I love it ... Mr. Faceplant is one of the best names I've seen in awhile ! Glad you guys had a good time ...

P.S. Rhona says "Hi Mr. Faceplant !"


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Well well well, welcome to the boards "Mr. Faceplant." Sounds like you guys had a great ride. 44 miles in one day is awesome for a newer rider. Keep it up Adam, you are doing great.

No doubt MR. Faceplant is one of the best names I have seen in a while.


Oct 31, 2001
Nothing quite like riding and having entertainment along the way. All in all no broken bones and the bikes are still running, Id say you guys had a good day of riding.


Jan 10, 2002
Good report...That ride brings me back to my days starting off riding.. I learned about riding up in Gorman, except my first days up there didn't consisit on one-way trail and numerous closed areas. Well at least there is some riding up there left.

I remember learning to ride in the sand.. I hated it- but now I look forward to blasting through the Freeman wash and hitting backbone like it is the track.

Don't forget about the mx track up there. We'll all have to get together and ride like a big DRN family.

Anyone interested in Snowy trail? That one is great and tough. Lots of switch backs, rocks, hill climbs and did I say rocks.

Talk to you guys soon.


the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Funny you should mention Snowy ... I was thinking we should maybe do that this Sunday ?

Any takers ?


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Originally posted by endosports
Anyone interested in Snowy trail? That one is great and tough. Lots of switch backs, rocks, hill climbs and did I say rocks.
Yes, yes, yes! It will be a few weeks before I can ride again but I'm all over it once I heal.

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