
Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
Well, HR came up from HQ this morning and laid off 7 more.

I must have some type of force field, I didn't have any projects for the last few months. I guess working for the Federal group is like working for the federal Government :)

I've unfortunatily watched my site go from 200+ to less then 25 in the last 2 years :|

I was effected however, their raising my insurance about 20% and I got a new boss :scream: , but I'll take that over a RIF.

Will the economy ever go back up, I also learned that one of our biggest customer was WorldCom :think: I hope we don't RIF again next month due to their announcement. I bet we review our numbers since worldcom hasn't been paying the bills, and I'm sure we counted it as revenue.

I'm going home, The stress is starting to get to me :ugg:


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Hang tough bsmith. i went through it a year ago, and was fortunate to be able to stay with the company in Field Operations (construction). One year to the day later, I was brought back into Project Management.

Best of luck on the next round.



Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
It's the DRN association. ;)

I had mine 2 weeks ago. Come in at your assigned time on Tuesday June 4th, and find out whether you have a job or not. :|

I still have a job, but got moved to a different group with a different supervisor. I went from a spiffy (shared) office with a window and a door, to a cubicle. :think: Most of the others in my group were not so lucky, but the severance package is quite nice, so I've heard. Unfortunately, our stock has plummeted in the last few weeks, and the WorldCom announcement didn't help things at all. Who's going to be next on the Enron/WorldCom/Arthur Andersen fraud bandwagon???

I think I'll start saving my money in my mattress. :silly:


Aug 26, 2000
Good luck to you, but by the sounds of things I hope you're keeping your resume updated. I was part of the RIF a couple months ago. It's not too bad yet. I've been working around the house and I have some time to visit DRN when I'm not on monster, hotjobs, etc.. I hope I get something soon though.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
Thanks folks :)

It's not that bad, if I loose my job I'll just go home and work on the farm, It will make enough to pay the mortgage, if I don't pay out any labor.
I just paid of the wifes car, so I only have one car payment and some credit card bills. I also just rented out my basement so I'll actually get a little extra income for the next few months :aj:

Unlike you Tree, I wouldn't see as much DRN, no Internet access at home. The high speed from work has me spoiled :)
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