Gotta rave about my new mod!!!


Mar 10, 2001
I ride the older KDX's 89-94 and I could never get the handlebars position to feel like a modern bike. They were always to low and sitting down in my lap. I bought taller bars and set them way forward but it still didn't help. awesome husband, made some adapters to make by bars sit up taller and more forward. WOW, what an incredible difference. It is like riding a whole new bike, because my bars don't sit in my lap anymore. For those of you who ride the same era, you gotta know what I am talking about. And I am only 5'3" so it has nothing to do with how tall you are.

I can't believe how much easier it is to ride and way more comfortable. No more back aches from hunching over while standing. It also make doing sharp U-turns effortless, because the bars don't hit your thigh mid turn.

Anyways, I just wanted to let all the 89-94 riders out there, that there is a solution to the bar thing.


Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
Another solution might be to install the upper triple clamp off a 95+ KDX200/220. Though I haven't personally made the swap a quick comparison between the 89 and 98 KDXs in my garage suggest it should swap right over. It wold push the bars much further forward and might be the hot ticket for some?

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