You will love it for GP's. Takes the hard, high speed hits out of the bars.
You usually don't notice the effects of a steering damper until you need it. On an mx track they take the head shake away on bad braking bumps and eliminate high speed head shake. Also, you will have less arm pump at the end of the day.
I use a Scotts steering damper. With normal riding you don't even know it's there. You will forget it's even there until you hit something that should have thrown you on your head and didn't. :yikes: Money well spent. Haven't had experience with the GPR device.
The new Honda mx bikes are coming with steering dampers from the factory.
I just ordered the GPR 4 - the new low slim profile version that slips under the bars and only rases the bar clamp 1/4". I will get this week and test out on the SandHill GP track here in CA. I will post a reiview shortly afterwords.
Spokes574, i think a steering stabalizer of any companny will help in MX because, of 2008 all the racing Hondas (4 strokes) will come with a steering stabalizer stock.
Honda didn't put a stabilizer on, they are including a Damper and yes there is a difference. The reason they are putting one is because they changed the rake of the front end (inheriently making head shake at high speeds) and the damper is going to control that. 08s should be interesting, I can't wait to try one!