Gulf: Why the Black-Out? NEW Vid on Last Page


Dec 31, 1969
Seeing more and more stories like this lately ...

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Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Not defending BP here but some asswipe local news jag is only looking to make a name for himself. The accuaracy of the info generally seems secondary to these lowlivean suckholes. If they had a shred of integrity they might be treated differently. Of course the same can ultimately be said for the corporate jags at BP, so I guess it's an asswipe standoff.:rotfl:


Dec 31, 1969
And now for a National News Asswipe...

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Dec 31, 1969
FAA Closes airspace over spill:



Dec 31, 1969
One point of view ... hopefully not an accurate one. The last 10 seconds made the hair on my neck stand-up.

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Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Ya' think? :laugh:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
FWIW, a friend of a relative is a young executive at another oil company.

He toured the area via helicopter recently, and told my relative it is much worse than the national media is reporting.

I was assuming he was referring to wetlands/coastal damage, and not to issues at the bottom of the Gulf. But in light of the experts clip, I'm starting to re-think.


Dec 31, 1969
Updated: It get's worse.

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Dec 31, 1969
And there you have it.... the nation's salesman in chief uses this epic disaster to promote cap and tax. I was pretty sure he'd pitch it, but had no idea he'd devote half his time on air doing it. How he or his advisors could have believed that speech would go over well is beyond me. Even that media skank Keith Oberman tore him up.

We're in trouble.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
For those that may not know as he has been way too busy to post in a while ...

Matt (mafols) purchased a restaurant in Houma just before this happened.

Mark (junkjeeps) and I are talking about popping in for a meal.

Lord only knows ... he is either swamped with business because of all the folks in town (everyone is using Houma as a base of operations) or he ain't selling chit because there is no seafood.

Either way, I'll have some local skinny soon.


Jan 27, 2000
Read an interview from an 'Oil Expert' that claims there is no casing to cap. That the casing blew out when the well blew. Said it is common for wells to blow the casing right out of the hole. He said the bottom of the ocean floor is fractured and the oil is coming out of many places in the mud.

He claims the reason for the black-out is the spill has already covered 40 percent of the Gulf of Mexico and the amount of oil coming out is much higher than what is being reported.

He also said that they may have tapped into a mud volcano or Abiotic oil. It is like a huge oil and gas resevoir near the center of the earth, sitting on a volcano that keeps replentishing itself. That is why the pressure is not decreasing over time.

He said, if this is the case, the nuke option is not a good idea because it will not only ignite the highly combustable gasses coming from the well but it will fracture the sea bed even more.

We seemed to have opened up the gates to hell.

I was not surprised in any way in the content of obamas speech. What do you expect from an empty suit without a clue. Just more of his agenda. What surprised me was MSNBC finally turning on him. Even the libs have finally had a butt-full of this moron.

Also, did you know that Goldman Sachs sold their BP stock days before the blow-out and the CEO of BP sold 1/3 of his stock just before the well blew.

I will be good to get a little insight from Matt.


Dec 31, 1969
Yeah, from everything I'm reading, from as many sources as I can find, it's not looking positive for a solution anytime soon.

The ecological and economic impact from this thing will prove to be huge. Unfortunately, a life changing event for a LOT of people. Maybe way more than we realize.

BP will pay for it? No way, IMHO we are talking Trillions, not Billions. It very well could be the end of BP, which in itself doesn't sound so bad, but then there's the 100,000+ BP employees as well as all the supporting industries that will be added to the unemployment rolls and all that means. And what of tourism? Does that industry get to sue BP as well? restaurants, hotels, Disney World? Where does it end? Hell, the Exxon Valdez isn't even done with the pay-outs yet. There is no way BP can cover it all and you know what that means.

We're in a BAD spot. If they regulate away drilling, the gulf will empty (oil rigs/companies) in no time. They WILL drill somewhere and likely, China will own it all. Ready for $8/gallon gas? More love for the economy right there.

Tony, send our best to Matt and his family.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Okiewan said:
Tony, send our best to Matt and his family.

Will do!

It does truly sound like BP will likely evaporate in the slick because of the liability.

I had to laugh this morning as Drudge had renamed BP as Barack Petroleum. Not that far off I guess, but too damn bad that BP couldn't take down the feds along with them.

With the credit crunch in southern Europe and the fact that China has all our spare bucks, this could be a real tipping point in the balance of power.

Regarding the rigs, once they leave the gulf and move elsewhere, it could take as much as 3~4 years to get them back. That is assuming that China doesn't set up just a bit farther out and drill into the same pocket.

What would they care if they had a similar problem develop?


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
...BP will pay for it? No way, IMHO we are talking Trillions, not Billions. It very well could be the end of BP...
No problem, Obama will bail them out, since they are just too big to fail, and then they'll have the money to pay everyone off. :think:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I wonder if the British will object when the Executive Branch attempts a hostile takeover of British Petroleum later this year?

Obama still needs to drive BP's price down some more.

Then he will proclaim they don't have the financial strength to complete their clean-up commitments.

Bingo - Instant U.S. government controlled oil company.

Then the new US government controlled oil company can rise from BP's ashes, as the government sicks its regulators on the competition.

Profits from the new US government oil company will rise, and it will be shouted from the rooftops by the media that government controlled companies are the dream blend of capitalism and social responsibilitiy.

Facism is such a dirty word, we will have to call it something new, this time.


Jan 27, 2000
dirt bike dave said:
I wonder if the British will object when the Executive Branch attempts a hostile takeover of British Petroleum later this year?

Facism is such a dirty word, we will have to call it something new, this time.

He doesn't have to do a hostile takeover. According to the Oil Pollution act of 1990, the President already has the authority to put BP's American operations into Temporary Receivership and use the assets for cleaning up the oil. Then let the courts fight it out later.

He could also suspend the Jones Act and allow tankers from other countries that are just waiting to help, come in and suck up the oil.

He could let the thousands of people that are willing to help come in and help the so-called 'Professionals' clean the beaches and critters. So far, the help that these folks are willing to give for free has been denied.

He won't do any of that. Why? Because it isn't a big enough crisis yet. Wait until the Gulf has it's first hurricane and oil is covering every marsh, bush, tree, building, telephone pole, bird, animal and person residing on the Gulf Coast. Then, he can say 'look what our attachment to petroleum products has done to us.' DAYUM! Talk about a photo op. :yikes:

It's not about protecting the people or the critters. It's just a big show. Politics as usual.

I don't ever want to hear the phrase 'Oil Shortage' again. :coocoo:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Still waiting for the MSM to blame the enviros and the government for forcing the oil companies to drill in 5,000 feet of water, instead of the much cheaper and safer option of 500 feet of water.
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