Gulf: Why the Black-Out? NEW Vid on Last Page


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I've made a post on Flag of Conviction regarding this disasster. These videos feed the frenzy and unless they are collaborated are like yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre. I applaud their effort but the sources of the evaluation have got to be proven reliable, for all I know, the voice giving the analysis works for Al Gore.
I do not question that MAJOR contamination has/is taking place. There has been way too much focus on the effects and the politics than a FAST, concerted response of containment and capping of the damaged well head. There is plenty of time to point fingers, raise red flags, and whine and bellyache, just do it AFTER the flow of crude and the other gases are stopped from the remains of this well.
Would I go swimming off Grande Isle, no, I'm not stupid. Should cleanup workers be limited to 20 minute shifts because of these dangers? Should soldiers in the heat of battle take a break after 20 minutes? Ask yourself this simple question. If your way of life is being destroyed and you are not doing everything you can to reverse it so your family "MIGHT" be able to continue on, do you just do nothing but complain?

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
This link is for a slide show that shows the progression of the slick across the Gulf.

It is interesting to follow the progression of the slick as it grows and shrinks over the entire time frame.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Interesting video find there, Mr. Okie! :nod:
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