Hand Update


Aug 8, 2000
Here's an update on the hand. It's been two weeks and a couple days since it broke, and it's doing fairly well. I went to the doctor today, to see what he says about snowboarding. He told it's best to wait a few weeks, at which time i'll get a cast put on (right now I only have a splint). The break is a spiral fracture on the middle finger bone, with one sharp end sticking up a bit so any major impact will send the bone through the skin, I have to be very careful. My hand is feeling pretty good, but the weather is making me very mad. It keeps snowing, and after having such a bad season last year I was really looking forward to a good season. Anyways, just thought I should give an update. Oh yeah, I'm getting really good at writing with my left hand now.........


Jan 17, 2001
Writing with my left hand is easy. I do it every day! :) I hope you feel better soon.

Honda Rider

Oct 1, 2001
Dude, I can totally relate. I broke my right arm 2 weeks ago. I had to learn how to right with my left hand, it sucks!:mad: At least you're getting snow, Iowa hasn't gotten anything!
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