
Nov 7, 2000
I know most of you guys are having fun at DW05. this is one of the resons that I could not attend this year.

It was a great day last sunday, but I was not riding that great as I had a coulpe of minor spills. Dabbing foot when nothing was there and loosing balance. We broke for lunch and then played at a coleche pit for a while. Took off on some trail (easy stuff). When laying out our race (enduro) we needed to fill some milage without using the roads so we layed out a trail that parallels fence lines through a few pastures.

We were riding down these trails throught a flat field. The trail was kind of grown over a bit with tail "broom stick weeds". If you pulled the weed out and turned it upside down it looks like a duster or broom. They are almost knee high.

I grabbed a gear and took off. I realy don't know how fast I was going, but I was moving along at a good clip in proably in 4th. Didn't see a rock on the outside of the trail (large rock). I hit it hard and fast. It threw the balance off me and the bike. I shot into a ceder tree (small scrubby stuff under 6 foot tall). I took half of it out. Didn't seem to slow me much. There were braches a good 30 feet from it. I could here stuff snapping.

The tree threw things off bad. Seperated me and the bike. I was air born over the bars. Flew for a ways. Me and the bike "touched down" That was a hard hit. Lost my googles and was air born again. The guys behind me said I did about 5 cart wheels and landed in a pile. He was a firefighter with parametic training.

He ran up on me as I was trying to get up. I could not breath at all. He asked if I was alright. All I could muster up was a "uuugggghhhh" I was thinking "breath dumbass" , but I could not. I kind of drifted off to sleep. When I came to everyone was there standing around me. He thinks I passed out due to lack of oxygen. It took quite a while for me to get to my feet, get the gear off and catch my breath.

My friends were great. You find out who your friends are when something like that happens. We were about 200 ft from a road. One took off to wait by the road and the other took off to get a truck for the bike. They were able to drive to my location. I got back to the camp were they got me out of my gear. BTW I had boots, knee pads, hip inserts with riding pants, Vented jersey (trashed and torn) Elbow pads, chest protector with shoulder protection, Googles, helmet, gloves, and a camel back filled with water (extra cushing around my spin). So I was pretty suited up to say the least.

It was 3 hours after the crash before I ended up in the emergency room. Masive pain in my chest, right upper back, lower back, and elbow. After several X-rays and cat scans of head and chest. They took a urine sample. Full of blood. They then took some blood samples.

The news was in. I was admitted for observation. A chipped bone in my elbow which was pulled away by a ligament. Bruised kidney and liver. The blood has left the urine. I ran a serious fever Tuesday night and almost went back to the ER.

As of Friday Morning I felt mucho better, but I was still soar as hell. I'm off work for a while and staying doped upped up for a while. They said take activity as I can stand it. My work is being pretty good about it. My boss and his wife showed up at the ER when they found out. They sent me some nice flowers. Makes my living room brighter and has a cool vase the GF will be using later for something. She has been great with it taking care of me. My right elbow is messed up and I'm right handed. I will see how it goes. I still have dizzy spells when I tilt my head back for to long. I was in wally world today and almost fell down looking for some thing on the top of the isle. Its pretty scary. I hope my marbles come back and the noodle is not out of wack :yikes:

I will see how Aflac and my work insurance treats me. Nobody has had to use it yet. We are mostly a new company. With Aflac I had Emergency policy as well as a hospitalization policy. She is estimating that I from those I might see about 900 bucks or so cash which is just enough to cover the 1K deductable on my major medical. It would have been well over 1K paid out for Aflac if I had stayed admitted for 24 hours. I think it was about 18. depends on what time the admission is marked in my records. I might also get paid for the fracture on the bone from aflac as well. I will know more when the aflac lady sees my medical records.

The fireman behind me said it was a "Spectacular crash" and wishes he would have had a helmet cam. He saw the whole thing. He was watching me while getting on the brakes and hit the same rock. I was thinking off digging it up and chunking it off a cliff as well as chopping that tree down and burning it. I will be having a beer next to a toasty fire :laugh:

Becareful out there, cuz it sneaks up on you when least expect it!


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
First, glad your all right! Take it slow, you will start feeling better before you know it! It will get better.

Tomorrow will be 7 weeks for me since breaking three ribs, bruising my left lung, side, chest plat, left shoulder blade and a contusion from my knee to my arm pit. At 41 I'm finding out I don't bounce back like I did in my younger days. The Doc released me 3 weeks ago and told me I could do anything as long as you can stand the pain. I've started working out some again, but I'm still a few weeks away from riding as the lung and ribs are still sore.

Keep us updated on your progress!
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Sep 28, 2005
yeah, things sneak up on you like that, i was riding my quad one time and i was riding in some tall weeds and hit a stump and flipped end over end and broke my thumb and had a headache for 2 days


Nov 7, 2000
Thanks for well wishes fellas. I glad to hear your healing up Blade. While not as seasoned as yourself with me a 33 i'm just as fit as any other 45 year old male :) I found out that I don't bounce so well either. What is most scary to me now is the Dizziness! I will be quizing the Doc about that on Monday during my follow ups. I hope that is not a permint thing.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Heal up fast there, Dan!!!


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Whoa! Scary stuff! Glad to hear you're as okay as can be considering what happened to you.

Heal up quick and keep us posted on your recovery!


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Danman said:
I found out that I don't bounce so well either. What is most scary to me now is the Dizziness! I will be quizing the Doc about that on Monday during my follow ups. I hope that is not a permint thing.

More like a thud then a bounce. Will maybe it was a thud, roll, scream, wait I can't scream, breathe, Aggggg! What sucks is my little incident happened 30 yards out of the gate at 40 mph. The guy to the left of me wheelied out of the gate, let go of the bike, he went to the right and his bike went to the left and took my front wheel out. I saw something out of the corner of my eye, then thud, roll, scream, wait I can't scream, breathe, Aggggg! At least I still held on to third place at my tracks summer series in the Over 30 class as this happened in the last moto of the series.

Defiantly let the Doc know about the dizziness. What pain meds are you on? All I can say is, Ummmm... Vicoden good.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Dang guys! Heal up soon my friends. Those crashes sound bad. Glad the injuries were not worse.
Apr 14, 2005
:::shivers::: i feel for ya man... my bike died as I was hitting a double ab 6 months ago, and needless to say I came up SHORT and nose first.. flipped off the bike, bike landed on me... concussion and nasty 2nd degree burns on my leg from the pipe

Gettin back on the track for the first time after that wreck was a little spooky


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
F150Motocrosser said:
Gettin back on the track for the first time after that wreck was a little spooky

Yeah, maybe. :yikes: But I can't wait! Hopefully my first ride back will be Nov 6th. :aj: :ride:


Apr 14, 2002
Ouch. Just give it a little time and you will be good as new.


Nov 7, 2000

Just hydrocodone 5MG. 2 every 4 hrs. Vicoden is the good stuff. This stuff makes my head fell funny. When I was in the hospital they hit me through the IV with something. I good for the rest of night!

Even better today as my riding buddy that decided to stay in bed that day cuz it was raining when he woke up stopped by and I actually checked out the bike and gear.

The gear is all good cept for the helmet and the bike is ridable, but the pipe is smashed pretty good and might hit the tire on a G-out.


Oct 19, 2000
Dan, ya got to quit taking dirt samples that way!

Heal up quick, and make it to DW06!


Feb 21, 2005
yes it does hurt just reading it. ummmm..... wow those are deffinitely NOT the kind of things a 33 and 42 year old wants to go through. since ive been riding my KDX i havent been blessed with a crash...... yet that is. only because i ride my 2 stroke like a 4 stroke......... hope you get her all fixed up and you both heal up good, then get her out riding again. there's nothing like going out riding to relieve stress...........

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
:| Danny :|

Retribution for not coming to DW sux. See you should have come! :pissed:

Get well, save your money, get your bike fixed and go to Moab with us. That's the ticket for this bad juju. :)

Take care and tell us if we need to get Spanky to come mow your lawn.


Nov 7, 2000
I'm ready to ride, but the elbow still gives me grief. The dizziness is fading. I still have some soarness in my chest, but by next week I should be good. Still under docks orders not to ride till after Nov 4th. Bad thing is I will not have much time that whole month as things are kicking off for a few projects. The will be in full swing by the first of the year lasting on into the about may.

Tony, I would have loved to come DW. I needed up taking a week off anyway! Moab is the works this year. I know I said that last year too, but hopefully it will pan out this year.


Feb 3, 2004
Glad you're OK. I just got my bike today and the first thing my wife said was "Don't crash and die." I told her I would definitely crash, but I would try not to die. It makes a good case for quality gear. I just hope I don't get too hurt in the first year. She may handle it better if it doesn't happen too fast.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Danman said:
I'm ready to ride

Me to and thats exactly what I'm going to do this weekend. :ride: This coming Saturday will be 9 weeks. It feels like a life time ago since I rode.

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