Hard to Start Husky 410


Feb 1, 2001

I have a 1999 Husqvarna TE 410 that I bought brand new 7 months ago, and ever since I have had it, it is extremly hard to start when the motor is hot. I usually have to pull in the manual decompression and hold the throttle wide open to clear it out before it will start. It starts first kick when cold. I have even added a hot start system that seemed to help, but it is still not good. The jetting is stock. What should I do???



Feb 28, 2001
hard starting 410

I had a brand new 1995 husky 350 and that pig would never start hot!!! Husky even replaced the engine and it did the same thing. Ive had other thumpers that would start every time once you learned the ritual, but the husky would cough and shut off and the only way to start it was to pull the compression release kick it a few times and then sit down and take a 5 minute break until it cooled off, then it would fire. Try venting the ignition cover!! It will start fine for you this winter when its about 30 degrees out. Good Luck!!!


Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
One of our guys had this very bike. To say that we were glad someone stole it is an understatment. It would never start when hot, especially after a lay-over. Not to mention the left kickstarter! GRRRR! Good luck, you're more of a man than I'll ever be.

Max Factor

Sponsoring Member
Oct 18, 2000
I'd suggest there is an issue with your bike. I've has 2 TC 610's and my brother had another. They were all the easiest starting 4 strokes I've seen (besides the button) 1 -2 kicks cold start and 1 hot start. Unless when it was dropped or stalled and it sucked a gut full of fuel in.
Your not touching the trottle when trying to start are you? It wont even think of starting if you do.
I'm not to sure where to direct you seeing as we've never had problems. I have heard that often the bikes are jetted very rich out of the crate?


Feb 1, 2001
I usually never touch the throttle, but some times when it is hot and won't start, if I hold the throttle open a little and give it a strong kick it will light off. Weird.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Sounds like it might be a bit on the rich side. Opening the throttle at those very low RPM's will lean things out. It shouldn't be a hard starting bike. I've seen a few Husky four strokes and they were decent starters.

Are you at altitude? Here in Colorado we need to drop the jetting sizes arounf 7 percent. (Except for this VOR...it just starts, even with sea level jetting)

I had a 2-stroke Husky for a while (1998 WR360). It's jetting was way off and it wouldn't start. A call to Hall's Husqvarna/Gas-Gas got me in the ball park and a little fiddling after that gave me a 1 kick starter. I realize mine was a two stroke. Wonder if there is a Husqvarna Jetting trend though. Mine was way rich.
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Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by weimedog
A call to Hall's Husqvarna/Gas-Gas got me in the ball park...

Give Hall's a call. Jay Hall rode a Husky 410 in the District 17 Enduro Series last season. I don't know the phone number, but they're located in Springfield, IL area code 217.


Mar 7, 2001
I'm good friends with the local husky dealer. They had great luck with the 350's and 610's, but the 410's ('98 & '99) gave them fits for jetting (not consistant). I'll check with them to see if they ever got it figured out, and post if so.


Apr 15, 2000
I have a '98 TE410 that gave me tons of trouble when it stalled during a ride. I eventually bought a DRZ400E with a magic button, but I still have the Husky and plan on dual sporting it. Here are the steps I used to help with the hot start problems. 1. Insalled a hot start kit from a dealer in Oregon. Works most of the time, but when it's flooded I have to clear the combustion chamber out with the compression release, usually 8-10 kicks full throttle. 2. Adjust the air screw per the manual. The bike is sensitive to this setting and starts better when correct. you might want to re-set it for the altitude you ride at. 3. Keep the air filter clean. The engine needs lots of air to start properly. Never follow the manual's recomendation of taping off the airbox vents, too much restriction. 4. Bump start at every opportunity. Never had trouble if I could get a downhill run, learn to stop at the top of a hill. 5. Time on the bike. I loan mine to a friend to ride and he can never re-start it. When I ride with my son, I ride the husky and hardly have a problem. Just remember, no gas when kicking. The pumper carb does a graet job of squirting raw fuel with small throttle openings. I don't have my hand on the throttle when re-starting.

Another option is a shop in Chico, CA that has come up with some mods that a friend of mine used for his TE610. I don't have the details here, but I'll post them later this week. A partial list includes carb mods, head mods and re-setting the timing.


Feb 1, 2001
I called Halls Husqvarna and they told me to retard the timing, so I am going to try this and see if it makes any difference. They told me that the stock jetting is fine for sea level. I will post my results after I adjust the timing. Thanks again for the replies, any further advice would be greatly apreciated.

trail nazi

Feb 22, 2001
i ride an 00 te410, and it is the easiest starting bike 4 stroke that i have ridden, the weight of my leg, from the seat on the lower part of the stroke is all it takes. the electronic box from the 2000 fits the 99, this is the only difference between the two years, i have sold a couple of 99s that start hard, try the box (around 200.00 but have to double check that) i talked to a guy the other day with an 01 who was turning his mixture screw the wrong direction, make sure yours is set correctly.:scream:


Feb 1, 2001
I talked to my local dealer and he also suggested changing the ignition elctronic box to the new 2000 one, so I have one on order. I will post results when I get it and put it on the bike. It was about $200, and if it works will be worth every penny!



Feb 1, 2001

Good news... I installed the new ignition module which replaces the remote CDI behind the number plate and coil under the tank with just one unit that mounts where the original coil was mounted. I took it riding this weekend and it now starts 1st or 2nd kick every time! No more hot start problems! :) I had so much more fun on the bike this weekend with the easy starting. The new ignition setup is also much simpler than the old system, which is another benefit. Year 2000 and up bikes already have this new ignition, but my bike being a 1999 had the old style system. The mixture screw on the carburator also makes a significant difference in starting ease as suggested by others here.

Thanks again for the suggestions and help,



May 8, 2000
Now tell me how to get it started in gear!!!


Feb 20, 2001
Mike my 250 won't start in gear. Must be a husky thing. Mike do you know anything about Beaver Creek in Lisbon? Talked to Rodney friday . Sent them my shock for service.


May 8, 2000
Not much yet. That is who I have my deposit with for the new TE250 when it comes in. I started doing my own shocks then having some one charge them.

The thing started in gear when I was in the pit but not on the course. I should have know better than to try to race a bike that I owned less than 12 hours. I got it Sat. night and raced it the next morning. It starts great in neutral but neutral can only be found when I am least expecting to find it. Might have to adjust the shifter.
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