Have had my new KDX200 for a week--still won't idle!


Feb 6, 2004
I have yet to ride this bike (mostly because of work hours).
It starts right up when cold and choke on, then after 40 seconds or so it starts to rev high. I push the choke down and it evens out for about 40 seconds or so then starts to rev.
I becomes erratic and dies. Giving it gas to keep it alive make a deep bogging sound. I took out the snorkle to see if that made a difference and it diden't. The a/s is about 1.5 to 2 out. The fuel is what the dealer made for my first tank, says it's 32:1.
Lots of blue smoke but dosen't last. Do i really need to re jet a brand nrw bike before it will idle?
I know this has been probably brought up before but dealer is closed till Tuesday and befor i speak to him i would like to know i did all i could on my own.
Thanks for any tip to help this :ugg:


Jan 29, 2002
Your bike should idle!
Take it back to the dealer ASAP. Brand new bike in stock condition should not act the way it is.
It pisses me off with both street and dirt bikes the high percentage of improperly set up bikes.Considering most dealers charge for PDI and freight the least they could do is deliver a properly running bike.


Oct 14, 1999
Please post their reply?

If they perchance 'fixed' it by putting in a new plug...expect the same thing to be happening in very short order.

The hi-rev part is curious. I don't suppose you left the fuel petcock in the 'off' position? Or maybe there is only enough fuel (not much) to be in the 'reserve' part of the tank?


Feb 6, 2004
Just got off the phone with the dealer.
Since i have only started it up and never ridden it, it is loading up and won't respond effectivly until i take it out and spend atleast 15mins going thru some gears and really warming it up.
Sounded logical so as soon as i can get my new bike trailer registered i'll take my first ride.
He also said if i had any problems of any kind "just bring it in and we'll set it right, no problem"
So i feel a little better now about things and hopfully i'll be up and riding soon......
I'll get back and let you know how it went a.s.a.p :ride:


Oct 14, 1999
Guess that means the answer to the question, 'Do i really need to re jet a brand new bike...' is 'Yes!' ;)

Please don't overlook the 'New Bike Prep' section on CDave's JustKDX site. That site is linked in the 'Every kdx rider should read..' thread stickied to the top of this forum.

You will appreciate the benefits of having done that a bit in the future.

Take a spare plug with you! Your bike runs a BR8ES NGK plug.

CDave's site also lists excellent starting point recommendations for properly jetting your bike. Variations will come based on your locale and your riding style.

Have fun! Dress for the crash!!

..well...not that you would ever DO that. Crash that is.

chris kuba

May 31, 2003
If you can't get the bike to run how are you going to run it through the gears? I may be wrong but it sounds like it's starving for air.


Feb 6, 2004
Got as far as the idle for 40 secs but not for 5mins.
That's why i wondered if something was wrong, but after speaking with the dealer he said they sometimes start the bike with choke on and ride it that way for a bit, then press it down while still riding to break in some of their bikes that are stubborn. Just got my magnetic drain plug today, so i'm going to put that in before i start it again.


Feb 6, 2004
The plug is for sure!
Would also like to thankyou for your advice and links to KDX info canyncarvr.
Iv'e got a note book and i'm writing down all the cool stuff i need to know.
Hey, everyone says i'm going to crash-----am i?......LOL


Oct 14, 1999
Yes. You will. Guaran-dang-teed.

Hey! I just realized I haven't seen a, 'My brand new bike's bars are bent and all I did was fall over!' post in a long time. (Probably your bars aren't bent, they are just crooked in the rubber mounts. Take out the pedestals and reset the rubber bushings to 'straighten' the bars. Buy a single piece top clamp)

I don't know what a 'stubborn' bike would be when it comes to new bike break in. Certainly the KDX isn't too lean off the showroom floor, it is too rich. As such the choke doesn't need to be on in a new KDX more'n a few seconds after you start it. Don't leave the choke on any longer than is absolutely necessary to keep it running.

If you do leave the choke on for any length of time, the plug is going to be so goobered (a technical term) that you may never get it 'cleared' up.

You are likely running a 45 pilot and a 165 main jet. That is the stock configuration for the 'H' model 200. Understand that jetting is an individual issue...bikes and riders are different, locations and environs are different. Understanding that, I am currently running a 38 pilot and a 148 main jet in my 200. Jets go in 2s and 3s number-wise, so those jets aren't as far apart as you might think. My pilot 'fer instance is three sizes smaller than yours. Don't put those jets in your bike unless you know why you are doing it and know what the outcome will be.

Anyway, I use the choke to start my bike, but I take it off (push it down) within 10-20 seconds.

In most cases, warm up the bike riding it. Don't let it sit and (try to) idle for ten minutes. Getting some air moving through the engine will help it sort itself out.

You might take a look at your air filter. Don't know how it was last oiled, but a good cleaning out may help you (new or not). Notoil makes a good product that allows you to wash your filter in the sink...no petrochemical cleaners/sprays. Don't oil your filter by immersing it in fluid then squeezing it out. It's not necessary to use that much oil. If you use the Notoil aerosol, a fairly light even spray over the entire filter subsequently worked in by hand is sufficient. If you squeeze the filter and oil drips out, you used way too much oil.

Well..sez me.

The point is an over-oiled filter will make the carb supply much more fuel into the engine than a properly oiled filter will.

Get out there and ride the thing!!

BTW, you're welcome.


May 17, 2003
Sounds like you're fuel starving to me. 40 seconds of idle is just from the gas in the fuel bowl. As it starts sucking air it revs from the too lean effect and dies. The bog is from too little fuel available to burn when you gas it. It then sits for a minute and gets enough gas back in the bowl to repeat this sequence again. I'd pull the gas line off of the carb and make sure it flows freely from the gas tank into a can or some other container. If it does then I'd be looking at the needle and seat condition and the float level. While in there check what pilot and main jets you're running and the needle number and its clip position for future reference. Something may be clogging things up from inside the gas tank or the fuel petcock.


Oct 14, 1999
Granted..the hi-rev sure sounds like it's running out of fuel.

Which was back on page one of this thread.

What's the answer to the petcock/fuel level question?


Feb 6, 2004
Fuel pours out unobstucted from petcock valve.
Fuel level is over half. I will probably know more when i'm able to ride it in the open for a good solid break in.


May 17, 2003
".....know more when I'm able to ride it in the open for a good solid break in." Yeah, 40 seconds at a time:-).

CC, I noticed your hinting at the fuel starving thing on page 1.

alisawildman, it seems to me your next move is to check for a partially clogged, damaged, or sticking needle and seat assembly...then check your float height. Let us know.


Oct 14, 1999
Another thing that comes to mind is a bent float. I don't know if the bowl of your carb has ever been off (btw, part of 'newbike prep' should include taking out the bowl screws..count on them being stuck..and at the least put some anti-sieze on the threads. Better yet, replace the screws with allen head screws. They are a lot easier to get to with a ball-tip allen wrench.).

There is enough play in the float assy that, it being 'off' because it's tweaked will cause it to hang up on the carb body.

Does your bike 'run out of gas' (assumed at this point) when it's idling on the kickstand? Different if it's sitting up straight?

Scenario: You start the bike, put it on the kickstand, it dies (float sticks). As soon as you straighten it up to start it (and shake it some during the process), fuel flows and you can start it.

A float can also stick because the valve seat is contaminated. Don't think that can't happen cuz it's brand new. I've seen it happen on two brandy new machines right off the showroom floor. These two bikes would starve for fuel anytime you got on a hill. Replacement of the needle and cleaning of the seat (moistened cotton swab with a strip of wet-n-dry paper wrapped across tip) fixed both of 'em.

...which is what Rhodester just said........although he said it in a sentence and I took a couple of paragraphs. :think:


Feb 6, 2004
I got it. The dealer told me they put a couple of gallons of pre-mix in the tank so i thought "plenty of fuel".
I shook the bike back and forth and heard sloshing so i assumed plenty of fuel.
The sloshing was the coolent!!
Turns out the dealer put in about 1/8 inch of fuel in the tank.
I hit reserve and i was in heaven.
It idles great.
Mixed some Moble synth 2 stroke at 40:1 and premium gas and i'm a very happy camper. :cool:


Feb 6, 2004
Want to thank everyone for helping me out.
Special thanks to canyncarvr and rhodester for taking the extra time to help me finally get squared away.......


Oct 14, 1999
You mean like post #5 said from last week? ;)

I'm glad it's resolved...that it didn't turn into a big (well, not real big) hassle for 'ya!

Your jetting is still something that needs to be tended to. Read thru CDave's Justkdx site for excellent recommendations on new bike prep (do it now!) and good jetting points for different levels of basic bike modification.


You are most certainly welcome.
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