Winter is coming soon. Has any one been forced to call it a season due to weather yet?
2 yrs ago it was great thru Thanksgiving here in Chicagoland, looks like this weekend will be good ( mid 60's ). But after that who knows:think
Hoping to ride this weekend. This'll probably be the end for the year as all the riding areas are either closed, or overly wet or cold.:( Plus, deer season is underway shortly, and I don't want to be out in the woods with bullets flyin' in every direction:scream: Gotta find other things to do. My son is racing RC cars this winter and I've been helping him do that. Just can't afford a car of my own yet!
When I was a kid on Long Island, we only parked the bikes when the sand froze solid. :scream: The thought of crashing on frozen sand is similar to crashing on concrete. Ouch!
I'm thinking of putting them away sometime next week. I roll them down into. the basement and work on them during the winter. It's nice to not have to go into a cold garage (or breathing nasty space heater fumes). Working on it is not as fun as riding it but it's the next best thing.
Uhh winter? What’s that? Oh you must mean the time of nice weather between the searing heats that we call summer! The one good thing about living in Houston it you can ride all year round!
Come on Walt!! It is still beautiful here (for now) and we can't possibly put our bikes away until the snow flies!!!!!! Buffalo Range is open for 1 more weekend (next weekend), and we plan on being there---even if the temps dip, like they say they are going to!
We don't put ours away for the winter. We just put studs in the tires and keep riding.
I like riding in the winter. It's a lot more fun then setting in front of the TV on Sundays. Plus the bike doesn't get muddy.:)
Here in California, the riding season is just starting. Racers ride all year long but recreation guys ride in the moist Winter. You know all those stories of how great it is here in CA? Well it is all true. See you later, I have to go make sure my three girlfriends are rebuilding my YZ properly.
:scream: If you're insane! Sure I'd ride in Houston during the summer.....if I wanted to be a raisinette!
Briain and Saratoga are right. The rains have come and so has the prime riding conditions!! Whoo Hooo! The only thing I'll be putting away is the Sahara gear. :)
Its going to be 16 degrees celcius here this weekend but snow if forcast for next week. So it looks like this is the final big blowout ride.
After that, the next four months will be dedicated to reading dirt bike magazines.
Going riding this weekend but after that Im just going to play it by ear. You never know when Im gonna wake up to a foot of snow :eek:. This winter I plan on working on my bike a lot and getting it in perfect shape for the spring. Like mentioned above, working on my bike is the next best thing to riding it. I really enjoy the mechanical aspect of bikes. But the winter isnt "down" time for me, snowboarding season is right around the corner. (well, its already here but you wont see me on the slopes with perfect riding still to be had :))
Wow, bummer! We're still enjoying the upper 50's here! Once it snows we'll be getting the sleds out but the bikes still get out once in awhile during the winter.
We only need to drive 2.5 hours to hit the dunes at Moses Lake. Of course right now is also the best time for jetskiing on the river - there's finally enough water again! A bit chilly but that's what they make drysuits for! :cool:
I'm very fortunate, here in New Mexico we ride in the mountains in the summer, and the desert in the winter. I used to live in Californicate, in the southern deserts 115's to 120's in the summer. Riding season is just starting out there. SpeedracerI used to be a Raisinette . We're blessed with year round here in paradise!!!:cool:
I plan on getting some studded tires and riding(not sure if you can call what I do racing) part of a winter series that is put on up here. We actually got a couple of flakes(snow flakes that is) this past Monday. 30 deg. F and out riding mmmm.. Good! :)
Oh, the weather outside is frightful, studded tires are so delightful, and we'll ride 'em all winter long- Let it snow, let is snow, let it snow!!!:silly: :)
I reckin i was gunna cech heck frum yall suthiners. *accent off*
I always try to keep positive thoughts about our weather, so I dont "put them away " till the snow sticks. Then, the kids bikes fit in the basement, so down they go for a good cleaning, lube, and whatever else might need doing. I usually spend at least 15 minutes a day tinkering with them, so come spring, we can get them all muddy again :confused:
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