Having a problem with posting new threads, etc.

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Jul 26, 2003
I'm a very new member to this forum and I'm having some problems that don't exist on any of the other numerous forums that I'm a member of.

I have posted 3 seperate treads in the "Thumper" section asking questions about maintenance on an XR650 and 525MXC/EXC and each time I do, the next time I come back to this site the treads have been moved to the "What bike do I get" section. ???? My threads have in no way been asking what bike should I get. My threads have indicated I have not made a concrete choice between the two yet, but they (my threads) have been strictly specific basic maintenance questions regarding the 2 bikes I mentioned.

I posted 2 new ones last evening, and now when I check to see if there have been any responses this morning, I see that one was added like a reply to a thread I originally started, that got moved several days ago. And the other tread I started yesterday, is no where to be found!

I'm not sure what to do to correct this. I don't see a way to contact the moderators directly to ask whats going on. I'm wondering if there is one specific moderator that is not really into bikes and there for if missunderstanding my wording or ????

Additionally, I had two private messages from a moderator and I was hoping it was going to explain, but I was not allowed access when I tried to read the messages.

This is fairly frustrating, because my questions have been moved to a section that I would expect is rarely even viewed by the people that would be able to answer them. Likewise thats what I'm experiencing is no replies to these very specific questions.

In the other forums I'm a member of, several 4x4 Bronco sites, 3 other bike sites, and a 442 site, I have not experienced this issue.

How can I get this resolved, excluding my just giving up on asking any questions????

Thanks for any suggestions.

PS: I half way expect this thread to either be moved or eliminated within 24 hours.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Your posts were moved to the correct forum, even if you think otherwise.

When a post is relocated to the correct forum we send a Private Message to the member.

To view your Private Messages http://dirtrider.net/members/subscribe.html

Next time you might want to try doing a search to see if your question has already been answered in the past. At some point the members get tired of answering the same questions over and over again and just ignore them, regardless of the forum it is in. Your questions were a perfect example of that.
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