He did it!


Sep 3, 2004
Well, Saturday was a break-through day for my (almost) 6 year-old. He finally rode his motorcycle (KDX50)!

Last September, I bought it for him, after he asked for over a year. Yes, before he turned 4 years old, he wanted a motorcycle. So after he learned to ride his bike without training wheels (a deal I made with Mom), I bought him the KDX50. He took right to it, but during his first ride, he crashed pretty hard. :ohmy: Well, this was kinda my fault, since I didn't pick the best place for him to learn. Too much gravel and sand.

Since then, I've been trying to get him to ride. I've put his training wheels on, pushed, prodded, threatened, but he was dead-set against riding.

So Saturday, my 14 year-old nephew was in town, so we went out riding. I didn't say much to him about trying his bike out, but I think after seeing a couple of other kids on 50cc bikes running around, he decided to try it. And that was all it took! The switch in his head flipped, and he was off to the races :nener:

And I was one eexxttrreemmeellyy proud Dad! :laugh: To top the whole day off, on the way home he asks if we can go the next day. YeeHaw!!

Sorry this is long, :blah: but I had to share. Oh, did I say how proud I was of him?


Aug 2, 2004
That's awesome! I am waiting myself. My boy is 4 and has a crf50 with the training wheels right now. Still can't trust him without me on the back but he's getting better. :cool:


Nov 13, 2001
I went through pretty much the same thing with my boy on a Husky 50. He rode it with some hesitation at first, crashed after a while, and wouldn't ride it any more. After a couple of months, I finally got him out there following me in a big lazy figure eight in the yard and he was off to the races.
He's 7 now and can absolutely wring the neck off that little 50. He's the Man!!!
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